The Search For a Paradise Earth

by Farkel 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    Boy, farkel fonts were bigger, way back then.


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Why is it that such a piece of witty literature has met so little echo within JWD/N ?

    Sincere congratulations, Farkel, you are a very good writer.

    But, as for me, I've made this earthly paradise hope mine for 30 years and I 'm not going to abandon it, despite your valuable arguments. The reason is that I have no fall back solution. I haven't got a clue about what heavenly life looks like, so I need to feel some sound ground under my feet for the 20 years or so I have -hopefully-left. We'll see, in the end, who is right/wrong, unless we just see nothing at all, which is another plausible possibility...

  • Narkissos


    You make it sound like you have not much hope left to abandon actually... :)

    Reading your post I was thinking that 30 years ago we might have taken issue with older Catholics clinging to the hope of heaven simply because they had held it during their entire life... Sic transit amor veritatis, or Au boulevard du temps qui passe? ;)

  • Satanus

    Aligot sounds afraid of heaven, or afraid of ivesting in a new hope or new view. That's ok. A person living in the present doesn't need to be that concerned about what lies on the other side.


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Hei, Narkissos,

    You are perfectly right, not much remains to cling to, except a personal relationship to God with plenty of unanswered questions. Leaving a religion like JWs without an alternative leaves you with this desillusioned opinion : Toutes les mêmes... (all alike). That is an aspect of its destructiveness.

  • moshe

    Farkel, I have made many a JW mad when they couldn't prove this paradise earth dogma to me. This topic needs to me looked at objectively by all JWs, as I believe this is the bait and hook which is used to catch and retain most JWs. Like you found out, the WT keeps repeating the paradise earth mantra thousands of times over a JWs life just to keep them hooked in the Org.

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