So sick and tired of the double standard

by ValiantBoy 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ValiantBoy

    For a group that constantly bitches about people needing to accomadate it's beliefs and practices, JW's sure are inflexible and intolerant. I realize that we all already know that, but is of special irritation to me right now. My oldest sister, who is faded and now regularly attends a worldly church, is getting married. My inactive mother is pissed because they are getting married in a church and refuses to attend. She's also just being really rude and ugly to those of us who will be attending. She says that my sister is selfish for making it to where my she cannot attend the wedding. SHe says my sister should get married in her apartment so that she can attend.

    I was so mad. I have a lot of misgivings and concerns about the marriage, but this is my sister and I'm gonna be their for her no matter what. And I can't believe my mom is not willing to do the same. We are not going to be overly mad if she quietly chooses not to attend, but her raising such a ruckus and being so rude and expecting my sister to cater to her religion (when she won't be tolerant at all) is infuriating.

    I finally told her that she may be a witnss, but we are not. We no longer live our lives for that religion. If she chooses to that is up to her, but it no longer dictates our lives to us. She is welcome at the wedding, we want her there. We want her to be a part of our lives. BUt if she feels she must choose her religion over us, that is her choice. We will love her and be here for her anyway, but we will not cater to a religious system that we are no longer part of. And if she chooses her religion over us, the resulting alienation is not our fault but the direct result of her decision.

  • kls

    I hear ya Valiant, my son is soon to be married in a church and their jw father will not be attending. My son and future daughter-inlaw feel very sad about him not attending and i told both of them that this is his choice ,so be it.

  • Undecided

    sphere, I'm a KW-P and I'm not narrow minded.

    It is incredible how narrow minded KW's are.

    Ken W. P.

  • TheListener

    It is funny how as witnesses we expected everyone to cater to our rules and whatnot. The witnesses are offended when we don't cater to them, but indignant and self-righteous when they won't cater to anyone else.

    Typical of dubdom - for all non-dubs it's a lose-lose situation

  • RunningMan

    If your mother's behaviour was reversed - a Witness experiencing rude behaviour at the hands of a worldly person, based solely on religion - it would be considered "opposition" and "persecution". Apparently, it's OK for them to dish it out, but not to take it.

  • love2Bworldly

    That's too bad, especially since your mother is inactive. Wonder why she cares so much.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    hehehe Perhaps you should tell her you know of one brother who walked both his daughters down the aisle in a Catholic church and then went to sit in the back during the ceremony!!!

    I saw it happen and could not believe his rationalization

    He was "making a delivery" his words not mine. And it was my ex-husband

  • whyamihere

    I know how you feel! Seriously I do. I have not gone to a meeting other than the Memorial(for my family) and my Mother is kind of on my case about it. However, she did not go for about 5 years other then the memorial(because she was mad at the elders for treating me like crap). I never once said anything to her about it. I think she only goes because My Holy Sister makes her.

    My brother (who is not baptized and never will do the JW thing) is getting married to a Catholic girl(Noelle) She is so nice and wonderful and has really made my Brother to be a great loving person who has his life together not to mention he is truly happy. They are getting married in a garden but I don't know who os going to marry them. My motherand my sister are going until this point but if it is a priest who will marry them those two man hating maids are going to have a fit. I may stand up in it because I heard she was going to ask me. If I get asked I will do it no matter what. I love them very much and that's what matter. Getting married is not about religion it is about the people getting married and showing the world they love each other.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Brooke it is my understanding that a priest will only perform the ceremony IN the church

  • ValiantBoy

    It is truly frustrating. The expression "persecution complex" sums it up perfectly. No wonder so many witnesses are so depressed all the time...they always think everyone is out to get them.

    My sister even tried to find a rental hall or garden to use, but in the small town where she lives they were all either too expensive or already booked. She even apologized to my mom. My mom said that the apology was insulting and insincere. I said sis was nicer about than I would've been because I don't feel the least bit apologetic.

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