low self esteem issues....need some experiences.......please

by eye 23 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • eye 23
    eye 23


    I wondered if anyone would give me their stories of how the WTBTS stole their selfesteem....doesn't have to be long.

    need to show someone that this is indeed what happens to some..... as a good friend of mine said

    'if I'm no good for god, I'm no good for anyone' sad that eh?

    thanks eye23

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    How long a list do you want???

    1. constant reminders to do more...more...more (message: you are lazy and don't meet God's requirements)
    2. anything good you do is for Jehovah's (meaning: the WTS's) benefit (message: God/WTS is responsible for anything good you do)
    3. anything bad you do is on your shoulders and makes you the servant of the devil (message: follow the rules or fall under the influence of Satan)
    4. humans are by birth sinners and corrupt (message: you are seriously flawed)
    5. repeated warnings to control all thoughts, behaviors and feelings (message: everything you think and do or say is wrong)
    6. JWs are a happy people (message: if you aren't happy then you aren't doing enough)
    7. constant reminders to pray more, go to meetings and go in service (message: the only way to be saved is to do more)
    8. health problems and psychological problems are Satan's way of controlling you (message: if you are sick Satan controls you so do more)
  • love11

    Well, I was born into it, so I didn't have a chance to begin with a normal self- esteem.

    I didn't really know that I was different then everyone else until kindergarden. The first day of school everyone had to say the pledge of allegiance, I just stood there and a kid raised his hand to tell on me because I wasn't doing it, I felt ashamed and like I was a freak and different from other people. I had to go to school even on the days that they were having a holiday party. I ,of course, couldn't participate. I sat in the back of the room and colored while everyone else exchanged christmas gifts under a silver tinsle tree. I was told by my mom that Satan makes the world look good by using bright lights and exciting decorations. But she said that I should hate what Jehovah hates because if I didn't then god would hate me. I felt guilty looking at the other kids having fun and wishing I could too. Guilt, shame, no socializing; those are not words that a kindergardener should experience. Oh there is much, much, more to say but that would take too long to type.

  • hopelesslystained

    Ditto! To lady lee's and Love11's statements!!!

  • paws

    So, so sadly, the 'all humans are imperfect' indoctrination gives those people who are already unbalanced in their perspective on life and their role as parent, the permisssion to further damage the self-worth of those they have control over.

  • diamondblue1974

    There are a number of ways this is done;

    1. Condescension and Humiliation; they condescend you at every given opportunity which erodes your self confidence in time and effects your self esteem
    2. Teachings and Practices; they teach that the meek shall inherit the earth and that you shouldnt question their teachings; to question is not for the meek and so therefore yours is not the place to question.
    3. Denial of education; their refusal to support education has for many resulted in their personal growth being stunted and as such their self esteem being either eroded or prevented from developing; after all who needs worldly demonic teachings.
    4. The overall cult mentality generally erodes a persons self reliance and we are therefore taught to rely upon jehovah and take little if any action ourselves or take much if any initiative in getting what we want or need in life.

    Just an example of how my family was effected by the WTS.

  • LongHairGal

    I was not raised as a dub but my home was not happy. They didn't instill self-esteem in me - I had to build it up myself. It took several years.

    When I made the mistake of becoming a JW as a young adult I had built up a pretty healthy self esteem. Not arrogance, not conceit, but I felt good about myself. But, after a few years and a few rude awakenings, I realized that they are dangerous to your self-esteem. They actually begrudge you your self esteem and your god-given dignity. A person (male or female - but espectially female) with a healthy self esteem ticks them off. I don't know if it is jealousy or what.

    Certain people will actually antagonize you. When I realized this I retreated (for my own protection). I carefully selected who I would talk to and associate with, etc. I have been through a lot in my life and I was determined that nobody was going to do a number on my brain.


  • unique1

    I didn't know if my low self esteem was from my psychotic mother or the borg. After reading your replies, I feel sure it was a little bit of both.


    Of the never really recovered class.

  • diamondblue1974

    Apologies for bad language

    When I made the mistake of becoming a JW as a young adult I had built up a pretty healthy self esteem. Not arrogance, not conceit, but I felt good about myself. But, after a few years and a few rude awakenings, I realized that they are dangerous to your self-esteem. They actually begrudge you your self esteem and your god-given dignity. A person (male or female - but espectially female) with a healthy self esteem ticks them off. I don't know if it is jealousy or what.

    I am of the same view...its like a threat to them isnt it...they cannot stand it and so they label you one that 'doesnt have the right heart condition'... in other words someone who wont put up with the shite they dish out....

  • LongHairGal


    So, the right heart condition means you must literally be a masochist because all they do is dish out abuse. Do they expect you to walk with your head down beating your breast? If you are woman, should you wear a burka? They really send me! I also realized they do not respect boundaries. I don't even think they know what this word actually means. All in all, not a recipe for good mental health.


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