Why No Disfellowshipping Before 1952?

by blondie 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Why was there no official arrangement before 1952 to disfellowship people? Was there a different procedure with a different name? Was no one committing disfellowshipping offenses? I remember vaguely some statement to the effect that immorality supposedly increased greatly after WWII and those attitudes were increasingly invaded the congregation. I'm still looking for that quote but if someone else already has it, please post it here. Any comments on my questions would be great too. (interestingly, I just realized that JF Rutherford was unscripturally separated from his wife)


    (I knew about that unwritten third level of judicial committee. Some elders tell the person they have that option, but it may not be universal--what is)

    Here's the quote:

    *** w76 2/15 122 You Must Be Holy Because Jehovah Is Holy ***
    13 During the years following World War II the moral corruption of the world began to reach frightful proportions. The possibility existed that God’s clean organization could become contaminated by such corruptive influences. But Jehovah was interested in his people, just as in times past, so through his channel of communication he lovingly brought forward information to counteract the filth that could tarnish or cause his people to become unholy. (Matt. 24:45-47) Particularly from 1946, personal moral cleanness became a matter of much greater concern to the Lord’s people. (2 Cor. 7:1) Starting in 1952, the more formal Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshiping wrongdoers was instituted. Those who committed gross sins such as adultery and fornication were expelled from the congregation, if they did not repent. (1 Cor. 5:11-13) God’s organization would not tolerate persons who refused to keep unspotted, clean and pure in the sight of Jehovah.

  • philo


    I look forward to reading some answers to your questions, this is very interesting. I thought DF policies were formalised and made stricter in the 1970s under Franz, but I may be wrong.

    As for the 3rd level in JSc: ???


  • blondie

    Thanks, Philo. Any oldtimers here or deep researchers who can give me a clue. Unfortunately, the WT-CD does not go into the 30's and the 40's.

  • Englishman

    This is well worth following up, just who was the first "William Kemmler" of disfellowshipping?

    Did the WT practise the art and craft of DF'ing on animals first?

    Is it cruel and unusual?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • gsark

    This doesn't exactly answer the question, but it gives insightful information concerning the subject. There might be enough infor here for some of the other posters to fill in the gaps. So the story goes...

    Years ago, near the mid-thirties, a Jehovah's Witness (I think they were Witnesses by then) named Olin Moyle became a member, donated nearly everything he owned, and donated his legal expertise to the Witnesses. Just before 1940, he resigned as a Winess, apparently deciding this wasn't for him. Rutherford then aparently denounced Moyle privately and publicly. Then Moyle sued the Witnesses and won, first in the original court and then later on appeal. (tho the amount was reduced) Never heard if he got his money, I mean actually GOT it.

    Anyway, shortly after that is when disfellowshipping becan to be a prescribed policy. I heard, and am inclined to believe, that these two events are related.

    Tho the GB claims the DF'ing policy was about 'cleaness' the more I learn about the 'Society's' (did I say that...ack!) it is my personal belief that they are being less than truthful.

    I don't think dear Olin Moyle even made it into the Proclaimers book, and hardly a Witness even knows the name.

    And this surprises...whom?

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • blondie

    gsark, I do know that the first article listed in the WT Index is 1944 WT volume pages 151-155. Was that about when that happened with Moyle? He is listed I think in the index starting in 1939 up to 1944. I have to track down that volume as well as the 1904 The New Creation book.

    *** w67 10/1 596 Following Faithful Shepherds with Life in View ***
    18 This strengthening of theocratic structure has brought a closer supervision of the organization as to Scriptural requirements in conduct of those associated. Christian standards have always been recognized by the modern “faithful and discreet slave” and have always been held up before the congregation as requirements in Christian living. Even as early as 1904, the first president of the Watch Tower Society, in his book The New Creation, outlined a Scriptural procedure for dealing with violators, even to the point of withdrawing from them the congregation’s “fellowship and any and all signs or manifestations of brotherhood.”*** But this extreme measure of excommunication or disfellowshiping was not widely practiced among the congregations and was not made a requirement on congregations until 1952. No longer could Christian conduct be viewed simply as a matter affecting only the individual or individuals involved. Paul wrote the Corinthian congregation in connection with a disfellowshiping case in the first-century congregation: “Do you not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump?” (1 Cor. 5:1-6) No longer could those following the practices of the nations be allowed admittance to the congregation nor could those falling away to such practices be allowed to remain.

    ***See study VI, “Order and Discipline in the New Creation,” pages 273 to 347.

  • ozziepost

    G'day blondie, Thanks for posting the Watchtower reference. I have a question (rhetorically): How does a person who smokes cigarettes "ferment the whole lump" so that they have to be disfellowshiped? I personally don't have to favor smoking but does that give me the right to enforce its prohibition and so harshly?


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • blondie

    Well, Ozziepost, I wonder why the "light" didn't dawn until 1973 even after several strongly worded articles about smoking in the 1950's? I'll treat your query as a rhetorical question because I don't know. I thought JWs shouldn't smoke long before it was made a disfellowshipping offense. But I thought each one should decide because of love not fear. Love of other humans especially. I don't like smoking but it is not a religious issue with me.

    It seems to coincide with the new elder arrangement. Maybe they knew they needed more elders on board to handle the increase in judicial hearings the non-smoking edict would bring.

  • blondie

    Does anyone know of some quotes from the WT publications before 1950 regarding disfellowshipping?

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Blondie,

    i want to thank for this post, the
    excellent research that went with it, and also the others
    that commented.
    From this watchtower: *** w76 2/15 122 You Must Be Holy Because Jehovah Is Holy ***
    I do like this part:

    "...But Jehovah was interested in his people, just as in times past, so through his channel of communication he lovingly brought forward information to counteract the filth that could tarnish or cause his people to become unholy. (Matt. 24:45-47)"

    Which " instrument " was used for the bringing forward of the

    *Does not seems odd that Jehovah..."informed " his people
    about this matter only from 1946, which was 67 years after
    the editing of the first "Zion's Watchtower and Herald of
    Christ presence" ?

    Btw, for quotes before 1950 (no CD goes before that date...
    and I'm referring to the English language version) try
    " Spiritual food at the proper time " in 4 sections, I
    think from " Freeminds". I've made a little book, with
    all of them " Watchtower quotations " quite handy!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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