Picking the nose....

by morty 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    what kills me......makes me die laughing.......is to see a 4 yr old with his finger up to the knuckle in his nose and his eyes all glazed over.... lmao

    here in the south, its epidemic, men come out of walmart , hold one nostril closed then blow wads out of the open nostril... ICK

  • doogie
    So are you the guy I keep seeing picking his nose in the car next to me at the stoplight?

    yeah...its either me or one of the other 98% of men that do it.

  • upside/down

    Haven't you ever heard the phrase... Pick A Winner!

    I've tried to not pick, but sometimes nothing else will suffice... but for Gawds sake I NEVER do it where I can be watched.

    It's right up there with crotch grabbing and re-arranging "the boys", sometimes a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.

    I just find it hilarious when you pull up to someone in traffic and they are literally scratching their brain via a nostril and you have direct dead on eye contact and they just continue like it's nothing. These gotta be the same people that fart in elevators.

    u/d (of the farmer blows are sik class)

  • whyamihere

    I have 4 brothers I have seen it all! Picking the nose doesn't bother me.

    Its what they do with the evidence!


  • iiz2cool
    These gotta be the same people that fart in elevators.

    Yeah, I do that too, just before I get out.


  • RichieRich
    here in the south, its epidemic, men come out of walmart , hold one nostril closed then blow wads out of the open nostril... ICK

    Thats called a trucker blow. ANd I do apologize, cause I always find a paper towel or something.

  • doogie
    re-arranging "the boys",

    ha. my girlfriend hates that. i just tell her that it's because i'm so well-endowed and she should be glad. she just laughs...but in a mean way.

  • whyamihere

    re-arranging "the boys", ....Well that is a man thing!

    I have to put the Girls back in place all the time!


  • Black Man
    Black Man

    "It's not HOW you pick your nose, it's WHERE you put the boogers."

    Today's deep thought has been brought to you by the BLACK MAN..................

  • berten

    It seems picking your nose and eating it is good for you :-) :


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