The New Pope

by Kenneson 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    The church may be swinging right. That would be in step w the usa and much of the rest of the world at this time. Interesting.


  • the_classicist

    There is no left or right in the Church. The Pope defends the doctrine of the Church entrusted to him by St. Peter and the apostles.

  • googlemagoogle

    The church may be swinging right.

    not much swinging here. ratzinger was a close friend of wojtila and already had a huge influence in the church, especially regarding doctrine. he'll just continue where wojtila stopped.

  • SusanHere

    According to an ancient prophecy by St. Malachi back in about 1100 BC, this Pope was clearly described, as have over a hundred others. But more so this one, as he even gives this one's name. It's chilling to read, especially since I copied this BEFORE the new Pope was announced or his name chosen.

    It's worth reading.

    St. Malachy's Prophecies, Irish prist


  • Sirona

    Interesting link, but it seems that they were just looking for something about each pope which "fulfilled" the prophesy.


  • DHL

    As I'm German I have already heard of that man a couple of times before. He has quite a reputation for beeing conservative. I guess a lot of germans hate him. For example did he create heated debate amongst people when he made the church stepping out of the counseling of pregnant women who want to abort. This was - and still is - a very important issue in Germany, as our laws only allow women to abort when they can prove they had counseling. Not only the church gave counseling but they took a big part of it.

    But after his election I watched a feature about him on TV (his biography, excerpts of former interviews, comments of others who know him) and for the first time I thought he probably isn't such a bad guy. After hearing what I heard I came to the conclusion that he is a honest truthsearcher. One could disagree with his outcomings anyway off course. But to me a person tends to win my acceptance when he's an honest searcher. So I'd say: Im not RC, but I guess he's not the worst choice for a church. I'd give him a cautious! We'll anyway see what will come out of it in the future.

  • aniron

    Some of his views are:

    Women priests - "Ban on women priests is necessary to safeguard the unity of the Church and guide the faithful"

    Music - "Rock music is a vehicle of anti-religion and the expression of basic passions."

    Gays - "Homosexuality is an intrinsic moral evil. Gays human rights can and should be legitimately limited"

    Other Faiths - Anglicanism and Protestantism are not proper churches. Only the CatholicChurch is the one and only true and supreme Church. Other religions are deficient"

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Music - "Rock music is a vehicle of anti-religion and the expression of basic passions."

    Boy - does that sound like the WTBTS in the 70's [or even now for that matter] ?

    Conservatism tends to create judgmentalism doesn't it?


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Yes, all hail the new pope, formerly Carnival Ratslinger, but now to be known as Bentdick XVI.

    He certainly appears to have all of the necessary credentials - the stint with the hitler youth obviously puts him in good stead, but doesn't say much for the other failed candidates.

    78 years of age. The RC church shouldn't expect much mileage out of him - so the millions of faithful can expect another one of the "biggest funeral of alltime" in the not too distant future. Joy, oh joy!

    cheeses - blessed be the father forever and ever and ever and ever. And forgive me father for I have sinned. And not just once.

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