Opposer Bragging Time: How People Have You Saved From JW?

by Check_Your_Premises 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Scully

    A couple of years ago, an old friend from my home congregation posted on our high school website looking for a mutual friend. E-mails were exchanged, some "war stories" were shared, and eventually, I introduced him and his wife to JWD. The rest, as they say, is history. (((NOdenial & codeblue)))

    I've also passed along some critical information about the UN/NGO alliance and the pedophile scandals to inactive JW family members. It helped them resolve a lot of ambivalence about whether they should consider returning to the JWs or not.

    The videorecordings of Dateline and The Fifth Estate programs about the pedophile problem among JWs was great to share with non-JWs, like neighbours and co-workers. It's like giving them a vaccination against a disease - they are resolved to never have anything to do with JWs. One of my co-workers informed me that when the JWs came to her door a couple of weeks following her viewing of these programs, she asked them point blank: "Since you guys allow child molesters to go door-to-door, how do I know one of you isn't a pedophile? Get lost and don't ever come back or I'll call the police!!"

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I think my favorite part of the one I torpedoed, was listening to the sponsoring dub...

    "She told me she quit her study. She just isn't ready"

    I nod.

    "Wow that is too bad."

  • Junction-Guy

    Well i may never know if I have saved someone from a life of slavery to the WT Society, but I will be happy knowing that I tried.


  • Mamacat

    I've told a few friends who accepted the magazines at the door how to get to them to stop coming back...excuses they could use, doctrines to bring up etc.

    If anyone ever said they were going to start going to meetings at the KH, I sure would give them an earful. Most of my friends have kids, and I would let them know exactly what kind of childhood they will be forcing on their kids.

  • rebel8
    I think I will put a notch in my Bible!

    LOL. I'd prefer putting a notch in a crucifix or Christmas tree myself.

  • blondie

    I don't know really. I was surprised at how many lurkers here read my reviews and may be influenced to re-evaluate the WTS, just like Quotes.

    I helped my husband leave; I talked a Bible student a few years back not to continue her study when she moved and she didn't.


  • Uzzah

    Despite the depressing eventuality of H20 I was proud to be a part of that board administration and keeping it going for as long as it did and to provide the foundation for what has become one of the biggest non-English exJW boards (H20 Finnish forum). I know of many (including some still here) who benefited from that resource.

    Offline, I have tried to be of support to many who were questioning or in their first steps of leaving. I also was thrilled that my interview on the Fifth Estate was of some value to those who knew me while I was still active.

    Numbers mean a lot to the Borg but not to me. I still feel I have much yet to do to ease the personal guilt I feel for having been an elder and in a position of power within the Borg. One day (soon I think) I may feel I have done enough and forget completely all things JW.


  • Stephanus
    That's the power of the internet: leverage!!! Why help one person exit, when you can help MILLIONS???

    "Millions now living will never join the Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • Farkel


    : Despite the depressing eventuality of H20 I was proud to be a part of that board administration and keeping it going for as long as it did and to provide the foundation for what has become one of the biggest non-English exJW boards (H20 Finnish forum). I know of many (including some still here) who benefited from that resource.

    Yeah. Those were the days, eh? I was there for about 4 years before moving over here also about 4 years ago. I've been an active opposer for about 10 years and have talked with many, many people who've said my stuff helped them leave. But the actual numbers don't really matter. Even helping one dubbie leave the WT religion is worth all the work and trouble.

    We don't keep stats! We no longer are required to keep stats or risk losing our eternal salvation for NOT keeping stats! For every dub we help out, that dub could also potentially help someone or someones out. That being said, the process is one of geometric progression no matter how few or how many we are able to help.


  • Mulan

    I've never tried to "convert" anyone. But if they come to me, I will help.

    There have been about a dozen I guess, mostly family and an occasional friend. One woman I knew casually, showed up at my door a few years ago, and said "I want to know what you know, because I know you and Dave would never have left if there wasn't something to know". I invited her in and we talked. She never went back.

    Despite the depressing eventuality of H20 I was proud to be a part of that board administration and keeping it going for as long as it did and to provide the foundation for what has become one of the biggest non-English exJW boards (H20 Finnish forum). I know of many (including some still here) who benefited from that resource.
    Me, me *raising hand and waving it excitedly* I loved that forum.

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