I Think I'm Getting Through To My Daughter!

by adelmaal 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • adelmaal

    My daughter is at her dad's house 50% of the time and he along with his family have been indoctrinating her since birth. Up until recently she has always said she is a Jehovah's Witness. I have been reasoning with her in the past 6 months to a year (I used to take the path of least agression but final decided I need to combat some of their teachings if she is to think for herself).

    Anyways, last night my daughter wanted to use our laptop to go online (she's 10 years old). I made the comment that I didn't think Jehovah's Witnesses were supposed to use the internet. She responded with this, "First of all I am not a Jehovah's Witness. Second of all they are only discouraged from using chat."

    I laughed and said, "You go with your bad self."

    I was so excited to hear her admit the fact that she realizes she does not need to be a Jehovah's Witness. She can choose whether or not she wants to be one. Yippee! I think I may be getting through...

  • kj

    You go, Mom!

  • kls

    Good Adel ,it is a start and keep going ,cause she is young enough that she still has her own thoughts.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    woo hoo!!! I'm happy to hear that Adelmaal...keep up the good work cuz it'll be my turn soon enough!! Sounds like your daughter is one smart cookie!! Yay!

    Wakka Wakka


  • inquirer

    Sounds like a good kid! :D

  • confusedjw

    Something tells me that, that "bad self", thinking and speaking up a ten is going to be are handfull at sixteen!

    ...but hopefully not in a cult

  • Sassy

    that is great!! See.. she does what she does because she feels she has to for her dad..

    but in her heart.........she does not consider herself a dub! That is great news!!

  • Odrade

    Either that, or it worked for her at the moment to "not be a JW..." but it is definitely a start.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Cool!!! :)

    Sooooo.... what did she look up?


  • Bryan

    Wow... what a Memorex moment!


    Have You Seen My Mother

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