Child abuse - school officials reccommended - do NOT call police

by wanderlustguy 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wanderlustguy

    Witnesses: Teen Punched In Face, Forced To Perform Sex Act

    Alleged Assault Videotaped

    POSTED: 11:16 am EDT April 12, 2005

    COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A 16-year-old girl was punched and forced to perform oral sex on at least two boys in a high school auditorium as dozens of students watched, according to student witness statements.

    Mifflin High School officials who found her bleeding from the mouth did not call police, and an assistant principal cautioned the girl's father against calling 911 because the media might get involved, according to statements from school officials obtained by The Columbus Dispatch.

    But the girl's father insisted on calling police and contacted them later that afternoon.

    Part of the alleged assault was videotaped by a student with a camera he had for a school project, said the statements provided Monday by the district.

    In the statements, which have students names blacked out, one student said the boys told the victim: "If you scream, I'll have all my boys punch you."

    Someone then "punched her in the face and she dropped to her knees," the witness said.

    The district has said that four boys were under investigation, and had been sent home, for suspected involvement in the case. The boys still are not in school, Andrew Marcelin, a Columbus schools spokesman, said Tuesday.

    One witness looked for a school security guard but could not find anyone, he told investigators.

    "We went back to the auditorium; the victim was 'butt naked,"' the witness said, and someone "was on top of her."

    The attackers then ran from the scene, and witnesses helped the girl get dressed before taking her to a security employee, who is not a police officer.

    The girl "looked dazed and confused and was crying," special education teacher Lisa Upshaw told an investigator.

    The victim's father, whom the newspaper did not identify, said his daughter is developmentally disabled. Another special education teacher said in her statement that the girl has a severe speech impediment and can be difficult to understand.

    After school officials had known about the attack for an hour, Assistant Principal Richard Watson watched the video.

    Upshaw called the victim's father, who immediately demanded that police be called when he joined his daughter in Watson's office.

    "Mr. Watson said, 'No we don't want to do that, we don't want the police,"' Upshaw told the investigator.

    In his statement, Watson said he told the father to "go ahead and call," but not to call 911 because the "news channel might tape his daughter and cause her further mental trauma."

    Superintendent Gene Harris said it would be extremely inappropriate for a district employee to dissuade someone from having police investigate.

    Watson and two other assistant principals were suspended without pay for 10 days and will be assigned to different schools when they return.

    The Columbus School Board placed Mifflin Principal Regina Crenshaw on unpaid leave April 5 while it begins terminating her contract. Crenshaw was present when the alleged assault was reported yet failed to call police, Harris said.

    No one answered Tuesday at a phone number listed under Watson's name in Columbus, and Crenshaw declined comment.

    The assault allegations are expected to be turned over to prosecutors this week.

    "Mr. Watson said, 'No we don't want to do that, we don't want the police,"' Upshaw told the investigator. - Sound familiar?

  • Elsewhere

    Heads are gonna roll for that one!

  • avishai

    I hope the boys who did it are locked up for a long, long time and tried as adults.

  • lisavegas420

    Isn't that discusting???

    This was on the front page of today's newspaper....

  • love11

    What?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was that principal thinking?

    Rape is illegal and a criminal act with consequences that involve incarceration. Period!

  • Dragonlady76

    What was that principle thinking? Grrrrr! I hope the principle goes to jail to for lack of respect, empathy stupidity and not informing the authorities of a crime in a timely fashion.


  • doogie

    in front of dozens of students?!

    what kind of f-ed up kids could watch this sh!t and do nothing but stand there. freakin idiots. i feel like i'm going to puke.

  • roybatty

    Hmmmm....maybe stoning kids like they did back in ancient Israel doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

  • the_classicist

    Seeing things like this really pisses me off. Here is what should happen to those involved:

    -Those who tried to dissuade the father from calling the police should be fired, all their assests seized, and 1-5 years in jail.

    -Those who watched on should be 5-10 years in jail. I think some corporal punishment a la the gauntlet is warrented.

    -Those who did these acts should be executed.

    The merciful, rehabiliative jail system doesn't work in Canada. So why even try?

  • summertime

    Reading stuff like this makes me wonder about humanity. If anyone ever did anything like this to either of my girls heads would roll. And I don't think the principals would have walked out of the office. I would have lost it completely.

    Schools are not paying attention to what is going on. Here in St. Pete Florida yesterday a 6 year old boy walked out of his school and got hit by a car while school was in session. It wasn't before school or after school. It was DURING school. When you drop your child off at school you should be able to trust the adults there to take care of them. Who was supposed to be supervising those kids in the gym anyway.

    And it really irks me that the poor girl was "challenged". I hate bullies. I hate anyone that could hurt someone like that for no reason. How sad that people care more about their careers than they do about doing the right thing.

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