
by tattoogrl333 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • tattoogrl333

    I've asked a few people this, but what do the JW have to gain by luring people into their religion? Do they take your money or posessions? I just don't understand why people would want to do that. Also, I know there are elders but are their people ranked higher then the elders???

    Thanks to everyone for putting up with my questions you have all been really helpful<<<<<<<<<<< Ewww emotional stuff yucky!!!

  • individual

    The same as all religions - the more members they get the more justified they feel in themselves that they are in the true religion. One of the things that the organisation brags about is how they must be the true religion because they are growing (extremely slowly). They are very demanding on your time expecting total support and this support includes money and possessions. In my experience every assembly I attended in recent times has included hour long talks on how to donate. For an organisation that claims to rely solely on Jehovah these talks used to really anger me.

    Ask yourself this one question - why does this organisation have so much wealth in money, shares and other interests when they are supposed to be storing treasures in heaven and not on the earth?
    This money is just something they are stashing away, look at how much goes into true charitable works, it is peanuts. If they believe this system is going to end why store all this wealth up, why not use it now to benefit people.

  • Yerusalyim

    The Rank and File Dub is generally sincere even if sincerely mislead. The intentions vary from trying to actually spread to others what they think the truth is to some who seek recognition for the many "sheep" they bring into the fold. As a whole the Society is a bureocracy that is self perpetuating. It adds members to sustain itself. More people = more money.


    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • larc

    They have to witness and conduct book studies, otherwise they will be crispy critters at Armageddon.

  • jayhawk1

    They do what they do, because it gives them a false sence of security. I know that was my reason for trying to convert people. I wanted to please god, and this was the only way Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to please god.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • JeffT

    Yes, there is a very large multilayer hierarchy above the elders.

    Immediately over the elders is the circuit overseer, who is responsible for about 25 congregations, each of which he visits twice a year. A few of these are decent guys who are sincerely trying to do a good job. Most of them see their duty as beating the elders to get them to flog the publishers into putting in more hours.

    Above the circuit overseers are the district overseers, above them the branch committees, and on top of it all the corporate officers and governing body.

    As an example of how much power all these people think they have, in 1977 they attempted to regulate sexual conduct within marriage to the extent that certain common acts would get you disfellowshipped even if done with your spouse. They backed off of that one after a while, although I gather that it is still much talked about.

  • LovesDubs

    Hi Tatt :) The one thing that is really hard to understand is the cult mentality when you are not in the throes of it. The opposite side of that is, that you dont RECOGNIZE that you are in a manipulative cult until you have left or are leaving it, so locked in is your brain function. The Watch Tower Organization is self contained. It feeds itself from within. Where you are in the organization depends on your OUTPUT, preaching hours and favors granted wise, and your sex. The more studies you have, the longer you pioneer, the more TIME you clock and report, the more auxilliary pioneering you do, the more TALKS you do, the more STUDIES you conduct...the more POPULAR/POWERFUL/INFLUENTIAL/HIGHER/and...they claim "Spiritual" you are. Since they tell the sheep NOT to associate with anybody who isnt a JW, they end up like animals in a cage, butting up against each other, nipping, snapping and finding great glee in the sins of others, telling on each other, ratting out their own grandmothers if they had to to make themselves feel important in the eyes of the elders. They are rewarded for this grievous behavior with such things as privileges in the congregation, like winding microphone cords, running the sound system, counting magazines and emptying the contribution boxes. The real mucky mucks get to lead the congregation in prayer, or conduct the school, or READ the watch tower to the congregation on Sundays. Their world is very small, and VERY self important...and most of the players are unskilled and unpopular in the real world, and hence they become little demigods inside the halls. And they rule with iron fists.

    You think the society wants this little world of theirs to collapse? You think anybody who works and lives at Bethel headquarters has any skills they can use outside their world? any insurance? any housing? any retirement?? Hell no...they do whatever they can to keep the empire alive. Specifically by gleening the sheep dry at every opportunity. They dont take collection plates..they take BASKETS and BOXES and powers of attorney and your entire freakin estate when you die. Its a farce will suck you dry honey. Take heed.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    You have summarized it all in your post. As we used to say after a 20 minute prayer at a circuit assembly. A-FREAKIN-MEN!

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