Ever notice that JW's fall for marketing scams?

by bboyneko 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Introspection
    Time to make all my beloved sisters mad. Whats with
    you people and this herb and that one. Nature's Sunshine
    people should be sued for malpractice. My mom goes
    to this Dr. and that she is very sick. After spending her
    money on Dr.s she talks to the wonderfully spiritually
    connected sisters who peddle Natures Sunshine. Who
    with their medical degree in one hand NOT and there
    herbs in there other. Talk my mom into thinking the DR.
    is an idiot and they are the answer.

    Hi Crossroads. That's an interesting point, because a lot of the MLM companies these days seem to be selling supplements, I believe it's something like a $15 billion industry in the US now. Of course, some of these have legitimate uses and have been studied extensively. The thing is, just because this is the case there's no reason to bash medical professionals. Although you may not agree with the overall approach and the tools they used, there's no denying the technical expertise they've received. There are also doctors out there with standard medical training but they also integrate alternative treatment methods in their practice. While I've used NSP products and find it of decent quality, it's another thing to have simplistic educational programs which give people the impression they are health care professionals, whereas the reality is that the consumer needs to take the responsibility of what they put in their mouth.

    I think it comes down to this we're right and you're wrong kind of thinking. Instead of trying to get the big picture of how some natural substances might be used in a comprehensive health care program, you end up going to the extreme of discarding scientific medicine altogether in favor of natural stuff, but the whole issue is how to use it appropriately. It's really the same thing as the religious beliefs, you're told you need to believe in your products. (?) In both cases, instead of an honest search for the truth, it's a matter of accepting this package as the truth, and being proudly identified with it without any real understanding.

    "Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing the self is insight. Mastering others requires force. Mastering the self requires true strength." -Tao Te Ching, Chapter 33

  • willy_think


    i think you might be referirring to "the confidence scam"

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    well the mormons fall for exactly the same kind of scams. gee. i wonder why???

  • Preston

    bboyneko, what you have just described is a wide reality in and outside the congregation. I did happen to know of several people in the congregation who were duped into multi-level marketing schemes. It really is a shame, most of the information you can find about businesses are right here on the web, even on the Better Business Bureau's Web Site. Of course, you'd think that many JW's would simply utilize the society's positive view of critical thinking. Right? RIGHT?!? Yeah, Right...

  • MadApostate

    Someone above mentioned "Mighty Auto Parts".

    I remember them from the late 70s and early 80s. At that time, everyone I knew that drove their routes were JWs. However (and I don't recall when I heard this), I heard that the JW owners sold out to non-JWs.

    I have a good story about Mighty. Sometime in the late 80s, I was traveling on an interstate, roughly 150 miles from my home, when I noticed a Mighty stepvan entering the interstate up ahead of me. I went passed the truck just as he hit the interstate, and I looked over to see if I might recognize the assumed JW. I couldn't tell who the driver was as I passed because he had his hand up to his mouth partially blocking his face. IN HIS HAND/MOUTH was a CIGARETTE!!!

  • CPiolo

    Ever notice that JW's fall for marketing scams?

    They're JWs aren't they?


    The worst vice of the fanatic is his sincerity. -- Oscar Wilde

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