Ever notice that JW's fall for marketing scams?

by bboyneko 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    I remember that many JW's were falling for AMWAY scams here in the US. One of AMWAY's latest scams was QUIXTAR, some internet online mall that is a complete rip-off. QUIXTAR even used cult-like language, making up new words. Like once you joined QUIXTAR, you become an IBO! An Independent Business Owner (yeah right) And the entire thing is basically a pyrimad scheme.

    I saw Other JW's falling for modeling scams, like model search america (the younger teens did this, usually in secret for fear of reprisal for trying to pursue worldy pursuits)

    Also many got involved in time-share schemes, and some vacation schemes where high pressure salesmen claim you have won a vacation and must accept their highly discounted rate on the phone or lose it forever.

    It seems when you are weak-minded enough to allow your life to be controlled by others you also fall prey to other predators. I'm pretty grateful that i learned to spot these sort of things quickly after leaving the JW's. Still, it suprises me how many people fall for get rich quick schemes that are obviously too good to be true. It takes like 15 minutes of research on the internet to find out if it is a scam or not.


  • TR

    Hi Dan,

    My brother and his wife fell for this scam(they're not JWs) I went to listen to the sales pitch from this really enthusiastic dude(of course) he was one hell of a motivational speaker. Wouldn't doubt it if he came out with his own infomercial.

    Anyway, he made an impossible situation sound sooooo good. My scam-trained mind quickly started a flood of red flags. After the schpiel, I asked him a few questions. he told me he was involved with Amway for five years before Quixtar. I asked him why he hadn't "made it big" yet.(he's still working his 9 to 5 job) No good answers. After the salesman and his "oh so sweet and quiet wife" left, I told my brother and his wife what I thought. I sent them some info I found on Quixstar and Amway. The average Quixstar salesman makes an average of about 5 bucks an hour after the spending money on tapes, seminars, product, and time recruiting, etc. Soon, after a stint of exhausting "recruiting", my brother saw the light and gave it up.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Moxy

    good points.

    i think there's also something to be said for the traditional approach to employment. you do not require education or training beyond the minimum because as long as you make pioneering your goal, jehovah will provide. what does this say to people? its not explicit of course, but a lot of people (the same people that see demons and angels behind every event in their lives) will think that this means that magical employment that requires no special education but will not demand a great deal of time, allowing them a good 'service schedule' should present itself by jehovah's hand. so despite earnest warnings against these schemes from the publications, some will convince themselves that this is how jehovah is looking after them.

    have there been a lot getting into daytrading too? ive heard of a couple.


  • philo

    I can think they (we) fall for these scams through lack of education, where otherwise capable JWs try to improve their lots with few options open to them, and they have already learned the ways of NM in the Watchtower

    Also unscrupulous JWs want to exploit their brothers.


  • bboyneko

    Day trading isn't as much a scheme as it is amazingly difficult, I beleive I heard somewhere tht about 95% or more fail at daytrading.

    As for Quixtar, yeah the saleman is usually among their best, he usually is dressed very expensivley and drove up to your house in a expensive car, and the wife is always quiet and well-dressed and dosent say a peep. The salesguy at the meeting I attended, when he found out I was college educated, was like "Well yeah, college is nice but the only way to make BIG money is to own your own business!" he really wanted to downplay that. Hehehe..pyramid schemes do indeed make money but only if you are at the top of the pyramid, on other words you are it's creator :)


  • crossroads

    Time to make all my beloved sisters mad. Whats with
    you people and this herb and that one. Nature's Sunshine
    people should be sued for malpractice. My mom goes
    to this Dr. and that she is very sick. After spending her
    money on Dr.s she talks to the wonderfully spiritually
    connected sisters who peddle Natures Sunshine. Who
    with their medical degree in one hand NOT and there
    herbs in there other. Talk my mom into thinking the DR.
    is an idiot and they are the answer. Can anyone say
    CH-ching, meanwhile my mom goes through her savings
    and gets sicker every day.

    I'm not saying my mom doesn't share in the blame but
    just because you ladies read an article or two that doesn't
    give you the right to swindle old people and make them
    sicker than they already are.

  • Moxy

    wasnt including daytrading in with 'scams' so much as in with the category of new jobs that seem to provide the ideal schedule that a bunch of brothers seem to flock to.

    a little while ago there were a bunch up our way that got into this thing where they'd get permission to bring in snack stands to office cafeterias and leave them there on the honour system and just pick'em up at the end of the day. this was described by the DO at a circuit pioneer meeting. he encouraged it as good initiative taken by those struggling with finances. apparently they made good money for minimal effort and i believe the market was already getting saturated by the pioneers.


  • bboyneko

    I noticed a lot of JW's in me area in the spanish congregations worked as window washers on like huuuuuuge sky skrapers.

    Also has anyone heard of Mighty Auto Parts? Maybe it's just here in Maryland USA but like 8/10 employees was a JW.


  • mikepence

    Mighty Auto Parts is Witness owned and operated. And, like most JW owned/operated schemes, including Bethel, the employees are treated like crap and overworked! Let's go New System...not!

    I know of many JW Window Washers. The one I know who works on skyscrapers is also a raging alcoholic! So, yes, many sky scrapers are being washed by drunk JW's swinging from a harness.

    And no, Spiderman is not interested!


  • Simon

    There is a term for a certain type of scam (can't recall what it is at the moment though) which is to do with ripoffs among close-knit communities.

    Has a lot to do with the fact that 'he must be honest because he is a brother'. I know of quite a few instances of people (often elderly) being cheated out of savings and / or payment for work due to 'brothers'.

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