Brothers In Good Standing

by Englishman 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Just found this in a 1992 KM:


    Who Qualify: Whenever a Kingdom Hall building project is undertaken, volunteers from the congregation(s) that will use the new or renovated facility and from nearby congregations provide the general labor force. Some of these become trained and thereafter qualify as experienced or even skilled workers so that they can submit Kingdom Hall Construction Worker Questionnaires.


    Those specifically needed by the Regional Building Committees month by month are those who have experience in the construction trades and who volunteer to assist with needed Kingdom Hall construction. These must be in good standing in the congregation and approved by the local body of elders. If you are in this category, could you arrange your affairs to assist with this feature of Jehovah?s service? (Neh. 4:6) If so, obtain a Kingdom Hall Construction Worker Questionnaire from the presiding overseer or secretary in your congregation and submit it right away.<<<<<<

    I'm surprised.


  • FairMind

    I am not publicly reproved, DFd, nor restricted from commenting or field service. Yet I only have the so-called privilege of helping to clean the Kingdom Hall or designated areas at Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions. Although I am told otherwise, I believe that I am not in Good Standing. To be in Good Standing you have to suck-up and be a Yes Man, something some of us find hard to do. The label In Good Standing is simply another WTS tool to make us comply or be humiliated out of the organization.

  • glenwoodswoman

    I remember being "allowed" to slap mashed potatoes or some such thing on endless parades of plates going by the food service line.

    I was soooo priviledged to be considered upright enought to qualify for this. PLus I was a single divorcee just coming into the organization and volunteering for the slop line would show my proper attitude and keep me out of trouble.( Translation: since you are a single divorcee you must doubless be h***y and this will keep you from rutting in the parkinglot.)

    gag gag gag How did I put up with that??? I


  • iiz2cool
    .( Translation: since you are a single divorcee you must doubless be h***y and this will keep you from rutting in the parkinglot.)

    That sounds sooooooo much better than serving slop.


  • Honesty

    Does this mean apostates aren't allowed to honor Joe Hoba with their valuable things at assemblies?

    Oh well, it's more fun handing out tracts in the parking lot.

  • Euphemism
    Question for all regarding your statement when the elder came up to you. He stated that the CO knew you were P.R. My understanding is that PR is Public Reproof. Not on reproof but past tense. (Reproved) Once it's said, it's done, over, let's go on. Can anyone correct me on this? Is someone on reproof or has he/she been reproved.

    A person who was reproved, like one who was reinstated, would frequently have 'restrictions' at the discretion of the elders. This could include not being allowed to comment, to pioneer, or (if a male) to offer public prayer.

    A man is generally not eligible for eldership for 5 years after being reinstated or judicially or reproved; I'm not sure if there is a different minimum for MS.

    A lot of dubs would treat someone who had been reproved as 'bad association'; I don't believe that was officially endorsed by the WTS, but I could be wrong.

  • devinsmom

    unasigned territory

  • FlyingHighNow
    An elder came up to me and said ...

    the CO knows you are P.R. and wants you off food service NOW. So go take your seat.

    Wow, exjwms, that's terrible. How humiliating. I feel for you. I think I'd have scooped up the family and went back to the motel and spent the rest of the convention sightseeing and swimming. I might have taken the kids to the drama. Basically that's all they cared about anyway.

    A lot of dubs would treat someone who had been reproved as 'bad association'; I don't believe that was officially endorsed by the WTS, but I could be wrong.

    I always understood that public reproof was to stand as a warning to us that the person had repented, but caution was in order. You could encourage the person and work in service with them, but you couldn't socialize with them until they grew stronger again.

  • inbyathread

    Working with them in service but not socializing with them. I thought that's what marking was about. The person is weak and needs attention spiritually but only at the hall. No outside visits allowed.

  • steve2

    I would keep quiet about the reinstated ones not being allowed to clean Jw toilets for 3 to 5 years. Maybe there was a typo in the original Watchtower directive and the governing body meant that reinstated ones are not allowed to use toilets for 3 to 5 years. I probably should keep quiet about that too. There's nothing quite as infuriating as pointing out an error whose correction disadvantages the one who detected the error. However, given my record and my behaviour, from the Jw standpoint I probably would not be allowed to clean their toilets for at least 1,000 years. Aw what a shame and what to do in the meantime?

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