Question for the ExJW's

by ExmormonRobertson 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ExmormonRobertson

    In Mormonism, usually when someone leaves the Church, the members give one of two reason for that person leaving. 1. They couldn't live the standards of the Church. or 2. Someone in the Church had hurt their feelings.
    My question is: Is this the usual reason the JW's give when this happens to someone who leaves?

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    The WT organization is set up so that everyone has doubts in their minds as to whether they've performed enough works to gain salvation. Obviously, many find the pressure of trying to live a perfectly righteous life to be very stressful. This is compounded by the certain knowledge that enough works will likely never be performed to compensate for that unrighteousness.

    Why people leave is probably as varied as the number of people who leave, but after living under the above mentioned pressures, those who leave are usually quite relieved.

  • Simon

    It's most often made out that the person 'couldn't live up to Jehovahs standards', ie. that they are guilty of something.

    It is not uncommon for rumours to be started about people of some pretty terrible behaviour. When the wife of the elder son of the local dictator / presiding overseer left him there were lots of untrue rumours about her being immoral etc...

    The key thing for them is that no one can be seen to leave and prosper or have high morals etc... without the WTS

  • messenger

    I might offer a few, add as you see fit.

    1. Improper conduct that leads to disfellowshiping or disassociation.
    2. Gross injustice by mean/stupid elders or CO.
    3. Burn out from the total mind control.
    4. Independant thinking.
    5. Hatred of field service and or platform talks.
    6. Disagreement with doctrine and confiding in a "friend".
    7. Boredom.
    8. Disfunctional families escape.
    9. Tired of the guilt bombing.
    10. Tired of pretending nothing is wrong.

  • zev

    the replys are correct as i see it ExmormonRobertson,
    however i have a question for you.

    when a jw leaves, falls away, and wants nothing more to do with the jw cult, he or she is usually pursued to answer a question of loyalty to the "god directed {spiritually directed} earthly organization" as to weather we believe it is actually so. those who walk away cannot answer in the affirmative, as the things we see make us draw the conclusion it is not spirit directed. we are therefore punished, shunned, aka disfellowshipped. this includes or dear family and friends. is it the same way for mormons?

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • Francois

    In short, there is no honorable way to leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. Never mind that the religion violates your own sense of sense of mercy, justice, compassion and truth by continuing submission to its outworn system of lies, failed prophecy, deceit, and error.

    Can you feature it? A dishonorable organization disallowing any one of its members to leave with honor on an issue of principle. It's enough to make a mule fall over laughing - if it weren't so pathetic.



    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Frenchy

    Simon has pretty much summarized the response of the Witnesses when someone leaves. It is inconceiveable to a JW that one of their own could leave and remain chaste, honest, hard-working, happy, and maintain a belief in God. The reason? They are taught that any and all fine qualities that they may have is only as a result of their being a JW. Remember: The rest of the world is doomed.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • hippikon
    1 John 2:18 Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as YOU have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there have come to be many antichrists; from which fact we gain the knowledge that it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But [they went out] that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort.

    Rough translation - They left because they
    A) Where influenced by demons
    b) Where grossly immoral
    c) Spiritually weak
    No room for disagreement

  • ExmormonRobertson

    Some Mormons disown the family members, some don't. Mine has, but this is in part due to the fact that I activily work on leading other members out. Once I discovered the lies and deception of Mormonism, I felt it my duty to tell the others. I see as being no different then waking someone up and telling them that thier house is on fire. It's something I'm moraly obiligated to do. It up to them whether they listen or not.
    Others, ones who more quietly leave the LDS Church, usualy have to tolerate the active Mo family always sending elders to their homes or hearing sermons when they visit. My family didn't dare try that but a few times, it stopped when they discovered that I not only knew more about what the Bible taught, but also what the Book of Mormon and the D&C taught better than them. In other words they couldn't trap me. Knowledge is power, it keeps you from being assimulated back and it stops them from getting over on you.

  • Amazing

    Hi Robertson: The reasons you give regarding Mormons are the same for JWs, but much depends on why the person left, and the perceived gravity of their departure:

    1. If they just quietly walk away, they are viewed as weak, not measuring up to Jehovah's lofty standards, and turing back to the world. This is often accompanied by leaving because of personality conflict, putting people above the Organization.

    2. If they express concerns or even mild dispute over doctrine, policies, practices, and this gets out, they are labeled 'Apostates' and viewed as wicked, turning their backs on Jehovah, and willfully serving the interests of Satan and his organization (read the rest of the world besides the JWs).


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