news from the d.c.

by zev 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    zev, I can relate to your reaction to the constant mentioning of "that word". Mrs Ozzie has developed such an allergy to it that it's one of the reasons she doesn't go any more.

    BTW I suppose they have to do it to convince everyone that God is represented by "that word". If you say something often enough, in time there'll be people who believe it.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • Disengaged

    Those GB speakers are usually talking sleeping pills anyway. No surpirse. And they do ramble for ever. Even though many at the dc have to travel hours to get home, while they probably have a private jet back to Brooklyn! Ugh..........

  • think41self

    Welcome back Zev,

    We all missed ya.

    One were in the shower...and you were thinking about tickling us? Hmmmmmmmm


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • outnfree

    O Happy Day!

    Zev's back and survived!

    Zev's back, was in the shower, thought of tickling us, and hopefully Mrs. Zev was right there so happy that hubby had been with her all three days that, well, you know....

    Welcome back, Zev!


  • NotBlind

    News Flash!

    For those who care, here's the Sunday program for next year's Kingdom Repetition District Assembly:

    9:30 Kingdom Smellodies
    9:40 Song and Prayer
    9:50 The Text for Those Who Brought their Booklets
    10:00 Symposium on a Minor Prophet You've Never Heard Of
    11:00 Another Song and Announcement that Nobody Wanted the releases, so the elders can take some home with them for kindling
    11:10 Drama featuring fake beards and really bad acting
    11:50 Talk that tells you what the drama was REALLY trying to say
    12:10 Lunch

    1:30 Muzack
    1:40 Song
    1:50 Public Talk at which no members of the public are present.
    2:40 Watchtower Study
    3:10 Concluding Talk a.k.a. Applause Sign Lights Up every 30 seconds
    4:00 Concluding Song and Prayer
    4:30 Concluding Prayer Ends
    6:00 You Get out of the parking lot and swear not to come back next year

    Yep, it's the same every year, isn't it?

  • somebody

    Hi NotBlind,

    I, for one, loved and apprecited the News Flash!


    what bikini?

    Tracy and outnfree,

    See what happens when I leave ya'll unchaparoned? (sp?)

    tsk tsk tsk!

    I think we should all attend the next assembly, together, in unity!


  • Dogpatch

    District Assembly #3

    Dear Randy,

    Six flat tires, and we's only been on the road two weeks. We only been in Kentucky 3 days and the oil barrel sprung a leak the first night, yesterday the dogs got to fighting and knocked Granny off the seat back, where she's taken a liking to sit, and now that stupid sister Neew started to cry again. The dumb bus smokes so bad that we got pulled over twice cause the cops thought it was on fire. Maw is just cooking and canning as we go--she started smokin' again. I wanted to stop and catch some fresh catfish but Bubba says "Oh no, we gotta get to the assembly in New York and set up in the campground". We ate up the last of the chickens Tuesday, now all we's got left is side meat, grits an beans. That dumb brother Fenders picks his nose when he thinks we aint lookin'. Maw seen him too. Sis even mentioned it. That Lambert is sure stupid for having studied the truth an all. Now he's sayin' that he thinks that when them gas station guys say "Hep yourself" that they don't mean it's free. He just don't trust anybody.

    Its a good thing Newly came along. He can fix about anything. He sure does cuss a lot more on the road that he does at home. We all pretend that we don't notice cause we need his tools now an his pickup at home, furthermore, we is taught by the truth to overlook little differences. People sure throw a lot of good stuff away. The barrels by the road and behind the grocery stores are the best. Bubba's letting his beard grow out a little more than usual. He cut the sleeves off his tee shirt and has taken to wearing a sleeve around his head. Granny says he looks like one of them motorcycle guys who pass us all the time. Them straw ticks that Maw and Grammy made for mattresses are getting hard as a rock. We all drink an extra couple glasses of elderberry wine and that helps us sleep. Grannys taken to sitting up at night with the shotgun in her lap. The dogs have been restless so we tie them outside. I sure don't see why we brought them along.

    Well I've gotta go. It's my turn to go talk to the stupid cop. This makes three times! These Kentucky cops must of never seen a motor home school bus before. I think all they want is a closer look. Oh my gosh! Sister Neew just tried to stand on her head on the bus seat again. It's a good thing she wore underpants this time. Hey, good news--they raise tobacco here--right by the side of the road. Bubba's talkin' about getin' a trailer on the way back home. I'll write when we get to New York.


    PS: LeRoy saw a sign in the store that said "boneless round", he says that sounds like Bubba.

  • somebody

    Love it, DogPatch!

    I needed that laugh!


  • zev

    Disengaged said

    Those GB speakers are usually talking sleeping pills anyway. No surpirse.

    yeah. they ARE the sleeping pills.

    think41self said

    Welcome back Zev, We all missed ya.

    right back at ya!


    One were in the shower...and you were thinking about tickling us? Hmmmmmmmm

    your wish is my demand

    outnfree said

    O Happy Day!Zev's back and survived!

    well, i'm back anyways


    Zev's back, was in the shower, thought of tickling us, and hopefully Mrs. Zev was right there so happy that hubby had been with her all three days that, well, you know....Welcome back, Zev!

    you dont know mrs zev very well, do we

    thanks for the welcome back, outnfree [:)}

    NotBlind, thanks for the program....

    which reminds me.....
    friday i walked in a tad late, and i asked the dub handing out programes for "2". he said, sorry, one per family. we're almost out. i said, [out loud now, i'm not shy] "great, how the hell am i supposed to know whats going on?" nevermind, it dont matter. sorry, he says. i said what are you apologizing for? the incompetance of others? bad planning? because this is the last assembly and we're the bottom of the barrel, so we get whats left? forget it.

    needless to say, he didnt know WHAT to do my wife was absolutely dumbfounded. as usual, my rudeness amazes her. and annoys, but thats another story.

    somebody queried for the master zev :

    zev, what bikini?

    now gwen, do i really want to air that in this forum ?

    you also said

    Tracy and outnfree,See what happens when I leave ya'll unchaparoned? (sp?)tsk tsk tsk!

    those gals are great for me, leave em alone


    should all attend the next assembly, together, in unity!

    naked unity?

    Dogpatch, your a master, for sure.

    thanks for the welcome back all.

    with much love....

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • mommy

    I saw the post where AlanF wanted to talk to you, but you were leaving. I actually thought about what you were about to do. Get into a suit and tie, with your wife fluffy as well. Walking, as sheep into the pen. Finding a seat that hasn't been saved with a watchtower from 1983. Waiting for the thing to start so the noise will stop. Waiting for it to be intermission so the noise will stop. Listening to the sister two rows ahead of you murder a song. Waiting in line for the restroom. Waiting in line for the new release. All the time looking at the other clones walking around, just as you.

    Oh, I don't hink I could have done it. Bravo, but I understand fully, the pain of the pickets now.

    ((((hugs)))) You have more stamina than I will ever have. And I tell you, most men do not get that compliment

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

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