I am an official apostate.....nearly.. and I'm loving it!!!!!!

by Gill 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Gill

    Actually I'm sorry to say I've been feeling very smug and congratulating myself and friend and really I should be thanking everyone here on JWD and other sites like Quotes and Gary Buss! I wouldn't have learned or known anything without all of you and I certainly wouldn't have been able to explain everything so calmly and confidently.

    But more than anything, I'm so glad that my friend is not going to be trapped in unhappiness in JW land.

    Thanks all.

  • Flash

    Good for you to warn her!

    She asked me why are they so materialistic, why are they so ignorant and rude against everyone who does not conform to their perfect values. Why were they cruel and heartless about the thousands and thousands who died in the Tsunami and told her it was more important to think of the 'poor brothers suffering under persecution in Georgia'?

    This is a very very sad commentary on the state of the congregation today.

  • outnfree

    Yay for you, Gill!!!! How nice that you two old friends will be able to be completely honest with one another now that you're back in touch! No more pretense, just fun and freedom!


  • diamondblue1974

    Well done you...cracking job.

  • kwintestal

    Nice. She'll never know the favour you've done her.


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