sad topic: my nan is dying.

by GetBusyLiving 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Junction-Guy

    GBL, Im so sorry you are going through this, I dont know what advice to offer, but just be there for your Mom, she needs you. What a tough situation you are in. I love my grandma dearly, despite the fact that she upholds the WT Society. My other grandma died nearly 2 years ago so quickly from cancer, she refused all treatment and was dead within 3 weeks. Im so sorry, and hope your grandma's remaining days are pain free.


  • codeblue


    I am so sorry to hear about your nan.

    When I was 14, they gave my Mom 1 week to live, finally figured out she had cancer (after being sick for 2 years)...She lived her last 3 weeks in the hospital.

    My Mom was a JW and raised me that way. I can honestly say that some of those teachings helped me buffer her death. Like knowing when she dies, she is out of pain. As you know cancer patients endure a lot of pain. The resurrection belief helped as well. I was so close to my Mom, and I wanted to see her again.

    As for you and your Mom, although your belief systems are different (you are agnostic)....just listening to your Mom and letting her talk will greatly help her. Also, after your nan passes....Your Mom may want to still talk about her...let her do it. It is her way of grieving and healing.

    I can honestly say as a JW...I never grieved properly. JW's don't encougrage proper grieving. There are times that I sit and just cry that I lost my Mom when I was so young.

    I know this is a very stressful time in your life and please know that many positive thoughts are heading your way and for your Mom too (I sure hope the JW's don't take advantage of this highly emotional time in her life)



  • Bryan


    Sorry to hear about your grandmother and your mother's sadness and stress.

    As you said, we are all headed that way, and we cry for ourselves.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • kls

    Sorry to hear about your nan and know that we are there with you and here when you need us.((((((hugs)))))

  • coffee_black

    ((((((GBL))))))) I'm so sorry. You're in my thoughts and prayers.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Thanks so much for all the posts you guys. I know this situation isnt unique at all..I can deal with this stuff alright its just I'm concerned for my mom. They all have such a warped out view of the afterlife I can tell how emotionally and mentally draining this experience is going to be for her.


  • TheListener


    Your sense of sadness and loss comes across in your post. I'm sorry you have to deal with this situation. Losign a loved one is so hard. When you add religious differences into it as well it becomes almost unbearable. Please take the advice already given and make sure you have someone to confide your feelings in. I feel that you're doing the right thing being supportive of your mother. She needs someone to be non-judgemental and supportive and not trying to push their agenda.

    You're a good son.

  • Narkissos

    I'm so sorry GBL.

    Your love shines through sorrow and even guilt. I'm sure your folks do appreciate your honesty deep inside, even though they might not recognise it now.

    Sometimes we all have to face harsh realities, and then we all find unsuspected resources to cope. Being true and loving is never wrong.

    Take care.

  • MerryMagdalene


    Your sorrow is our sorrow

    Let us sorrow together

    Our strength is your strength

    Let us hold together

    We are all manifestations of one Essence

    Searching for Itself through many eyes

    Reaching out to Itself through many hearts

    Remembering, though we are many, we are one

    May my thoughts, my love, and my tears mingle with yours and be of some comfort to you...


  • GetBusyLiving

    That was the sweetest poem Merry. Thanks so much for that.


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