Tone of the current literature

by TheListener 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener


    I enjoyed reading it!

  • Scully
    Over the last several months (perhaps 6-9) I feel that the tone of the WTs and KMs have been very strong. Not strong in the sense of legalistic do's and don'ts but strong in the sense of DO MORE!!!! type of stuff. I know that the society has always been a do more institution, but lately perhaps in response to the release of the lastest statistics (Feb WT) to the friends, they've been beating us extra hard.

    This is typical in a group where the prevailing mentality is THE FLOGGINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES.

  • Flash


    The Witness religion used to be denial of enjoyment. Some Witnesses enjoyed the denial of enjoyment and Bethel noticed that and steps were taken to eliminate the opportunities to enjoy the denial of enjoyment. Now some Witnesses have noticed that they don't enjoy not enjoying the denial of enjoyment and since there is not really enjoyment allowed inside the organization since the enjoyment of denial of enjoyment was discouraged, they have decided to seek enjoyment elsewhere.

    I enjoyed writing that.

    I enjoyed reading it! ...too

  • Flash
    I believe the literature is pushing the dubs more and more into feeling worthless. I was thinking over my own parts on the meetings over the years and realized that lately all my parts contain a DO MORE modern application. It seems that regardless of what a particular talk or article is about it contains DO MORE admonition as the solution. If something is wrong in your life it's your fault because you haven't DONE MORE.

    I know it's been said here many times before...but,

    "The beatings will continue until morale (and performance) improves!"

    Have A Nice Day!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Thanks Gary and Scully.

    I needed a good laugh


  • itsallgoodnow

    Pretty funny, Gary and Scully!

    When you've got some desperately holding on to everything and others trying to figure out a way to cut their losses, the mood is bound to be bad. It's not "us against them" anymore, now it's "us against us". They feel threatened & betrayed. They've read what's on the internet, just like the rest of us. I'm guessing about 80% of currently active witnesses are now somewhat informed on their religion but are either in denial or are afraid to cause an upheaval by leaving. No, the morale is not good. The moral is never good when an abusive husband is worried his wife will leave him, and this is the same kind of feeling. Nobody trusts anybody and never has, why start now? I'm shocked they still have anyone willing to pretend all is well. You can be sure if there's a buzz going on about what's gone wrong with the "numbers" (don't you love being a number) nobody is going to mention the pink elephant in the room.

    I don't blame people for avoiding everyone. The nice people were only love-bombing anyway, and now the only people trying that are the hard core judgmental types who can't hide their contempt, so it's not working very well.

  • truthseeker

    TheListener, that was an excellent post and you certainly have your finger on the pulse.

    Things have changed, pressures are more intense in day to day living.

    An elder once asked me why so many of the young dubs have problems making friends - I told him that they felt they had no sense of shared history with each other, everyone went their own way.

    Our cong. stopped having picnics, due to "insurance reasons", i.e. not announcing it at the platform. The occasion was eventually limited to book study picnics, and then fizzled out altogether.

    Most people I see at the hall who speak to me are simply what I would call "Kingdom Hall buddies." - very shallow and superficial relationships - I can't even call them friendships.

  • observador

    Gary, Gary...

    When I see that big hat of yours I laugh; When I finish reading your post, I am rolling on the floor...

    Good one.


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