BC Premier on T-Shirt

by the_classicist 7 Replies latest social humour

  • the_classicist

    BC's Premier is on a T-shirt produced by Marvel Comics and sold by Wal-Mart. Apparently the company making it accidentally downloaded it off the internet. Once noticed it was promptly pulled off the shelves. And, yes, it is a real mugshot.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Oops, didn't come thru!

  • the_classicist

    I see it, must be because its in my cache. Here it is: http://photos1.blogger.com/img/97/2368/640/gc2.jpg

  • kwintestal

    Link doesn't work either. Care to try again?


  • Euphemism

    Right-click on the link, copy it, and paste it in a new window.

  • Tatiana

    I can see it when I copy and paste.

    The original mugshot....

    Gordon Campbell British Columbia's Premiere was charged with drunk driving while on vacation in Hawaii. The Premiere plead no contest and was fined $913 and was orderd to complete a 14 hour alcohol assessment program and have a substance-abuse assessment as well. He was caught speeding and swerving in a rented sport utility on Jan 10. 2003. Guess rules don't apply to people who make them?
  • the_classicist

    He's going to get re-elected, probably, too.

  • talesin

    Yes, if you are a politician out west, you can get away with just about anything!

    Look at Svend Robinson. Stole over $5,000, should have gotten federal time. Conditional discharge. If it had been a crack 'ho stealing to support her habit, you can be sure she would have gotten no sympathy.

    (I like Svend, but feel that compassion should be applied to all, not just the influential!)

    But it's just as bad here. We had one MP (Cape Breton) who was convicted of fraud --- cheating on his expense accounts. Guess what? He lay low for a few years, and now he is re-elected and front & centre of the Party! People are idiots!!!! duh duh duh It's actually a hoot! hahahaha

    I don't get it, do you?

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