What's Your Fantasy Job ?

by Taylor S. 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • stopthepain

    listed in order

    1-pro golfer-different beautiful destinations every week,with family,huge $$,and you can still walk when your 50.

    2-cop-huge power,never have to worry about getting a ticket,pays well

    3-porn star-nuff said

  • talesin

    Fantasy? It would be a working film actor (not necessarily a star).

    Someone does your makeup, hair, chooses your wardrobe and dresses you.

    You are fed, and housed when on location.

    You sit around till they call you, then you just do precisely what the director (aka "god") tells you to do.

    Your job involves acting out all the emotions everyone else has to suppress, you get to play dress-up and be well-paid for it, and ...

    as a working actor, you can easily work 4-6 months of the year and enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle (ie, want for nothing)


  • RichieRich

    a bouncer... I have no idea why.... just a cool job for a big guy.... or maybe a mafia hit man...

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    President of the Confederate States of America.

  • Elsewhere

    I'd like to be the weird guru guy who sits on top of a mountain giving pilgrims cryptic BS advice.

  • TheOneBuck

    "a bouncer... I have no idea why.... just a cool job for a big guy.... or maybe a mafia hit man..." I was a bouncer at a strip club while I was in college and I would recommend it to anyone :-). The bonus is when you get a couple of drunks who think they are hard-asses then you can legally beat the junk out of them then call the cops on them.... It was awsome. I was also a back stage bouncer at a concert venue for a couple of summers and seen some pretty awsome stuff. All I have to say is Kid Rock is the man. He lives the life style to the fullest if you know what I mean.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    Bob Saget's personal assistant.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    You sit around till they call you, then you just do precisely what the director (aka "god") tells you to do.

    talespin .... your dubbish roots are showing.

  • confusedjw

    A Doctor who saves children from ______________ (fill in the blank)

    Or a Pitcher for the Red Sox.

  • bikerchic

    My fantasy is to win the lottery, my job would be Financial Planner, planning how to spend, invest and donate my millions.

    Kate (of the don't want no stinking job class)

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