DF'd and dirty looks

by loosie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    The witnesses have what? A spiritual paradise? A loving worldwide brotherhood?

    And you got yourself disfellowshipped because you did not appreciate this? And now you want to go back because you didn't appreciate what you had?

    The witnesses have what? What did you lose?

    Ask questions like that and maybe your friend will come to their senses.

    Dirty looks from a bunch of sinners. Sounds very Christlike.

  • simplesally

    One must endure the dirty looks at the KH, the dirty looks at the supermarket and shopping malls if one wants to be reinstated. Oh, and don't forget that you also must endure the painful look on their faces should they be forced to sit in the back room with you during the meeting. If you're lucky, they will talk about how nice your children look so you can hear it but they sure won't talk to you and tell you how your child is growing!

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I remember being told that the elders also want to observe whether or not one sings and whether they have underlined the study articles. Funny, I don't recall seeing that in the scriptures.

  • pratt1

    I can certainly understand why your friend feels depressed.

    I hope she gets help (professional) that can help her deal with the unloving treatment she is recieving from the "brothers".

    I think the more important question is why would she want to associate with a group of people who display such unloving traits.

    After being treated this way, how would she treat a disfellowshiped person once she is reinstated.

    She needs to remember that if she does not practice shunning like the "pack", she might find herself ousted again.

  • FDS

    Sounds like a good idea. She could listen to the different radio stations, bring her own cd's, talking books, etc, etc, while she is getting credit towrds working off her punishment.


    A "better" idea is for her to tune into others in her condition and see what they have to say. Once a JW is hurting and being lovingly "ignored" they open up to looking at the Society and it's LIES. I'm not talking about false "prophets" rather the covering up of their history in relation to brother Russell claiming to be the "faithful and discreet slave" personally. You see the Governing Body gets its so called authority based upon lies on what Russell really believed. It's pretty simple. They claim that Russell never claimed to be the FDS, that he was only a part of this slave class because if Russell did believe himself to be the FDS then they would be a sect around a man. So what do the facts show? Too bad she was not near me because I have a kingdom library at home that proves they are very active in covering up this man worshipping.


  • stillajwexelder

    Well you do have to remember this is Gods Sole Channel on Earth and is so Christ like - what did you expect - the ywould run and hug and kiss her like the father did with the Prodigal Son - oh shit they can not do that -- that would be too scriptural

  • adelmaal

    Personally, I would rather you tell your friend to stay away totally but if she insists on going I would suggest she go to a different congregation. When I was DF'd I attended a new congregation and did not receive dirty looks. If anyone ever did make eye contact with me they would either smile secretly or just look away. I even had a few speak to me in the restroom when I was nursing my baby. That congregation is not treating her right. Not that disfellowshipping is right in the first place but I imagine she would be treated better in another congregation.

  • tijkmo

    a paduan...spot on bro

    when i tried for reinstatement i sat with my wife about half way down the hall and was told i wasnt behaving like a disfellowshipped person should and that mature sisters were upset by this...i asked 'nicely' if it was possible to tell the mature sisters that sitting up the back was distracting and was also where the girl i had previously been involved in was sitting right in my line of vision (deliberately imo) and that there were benefits to us as a couple to be sitting together and there was no rule to say that a disfellowshipped person has to sit at the back anyway...they came back the following meeting and said they had done research and that i was right i could sit anywhere....but i wasnt allowed to.. i had to sit up the back...idiots

    as a result i moved house again...moved cong...got reinstated through the other cong...but lost the desire to fix my marriage....and a god of justice is surely going to require an explanation of that from them...not that i care anymore whether there is a god of justice

    btw...you wont convince your friend not to try for reinstatement i dont think...she will see that as a solution to her misery..and it could turn out to be...but you could tell her to expect that it wont be and to be prepared for that....and then be there for her whether it is or not

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    I doubt it.

    Some one here even posted that an elder told him he needed to suffer.

    Cults suck. (is it Kwin who says this? Sorry for the plagerism. The phrase is apropos.)


    Depending on the situation (such as the reasoning behind the DF'ing of the guy to begin with and in what way the elder felt he should suffer), I might've had a hard time not responding in a very harsh manner to that elder. Many of them must not understand what damage DF'ing can do to people and their entire worlds, i.e. ripping apart their families, friendships, everything they've known, etc... I think that's suffering more than enough as compared to them just sometimes seemingly liking seeing people get shunned (though I understand not all elders are this way).

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Our hall used to broadcast on FM for the security attendants not to miss any spiritual food while they patroled the car park... most of us tuned it to FM radio instead, of course. We'd catch each other out by talking down the microphone (message, ritual abuse... whatever). No respose = listening to the radio and some (mock) stern spiritual council was on its way... :-)

    But, no, sittting in the car is still isolating oneself from the spirit of the congo so probably wouldn't be good enough.

    Of course, isolating yourself from the spirit of the congo is a very good idea..... best done from home, a local resturaunt, a friends place, anywhere but the parking lot of a KH...

    Cheers, Max

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