Memorial Celebration -- Bethel Needs to Check Their Calendar

by kalela 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Posidon

    I want you all too please while this 2006 eqinox happens nomatter who's right on a date, Spring eqinox started yeasterday my opinioun never the less,,, Please read what David wrote almost 1000 years before Christ & cry with me as I will one more time read it :*( ;) Salms Chapter 22,,, I Promise you will feel the Love He has for us for it was His choise for us to be able to "Live" Please do this for me... If its Gods desire I will be back... I Love You... Remember Repent often so that sin is blotted out,,, When its gone its gone don't be reminding Father after that, Its forgoten,,, Oh Children Love kills a multitude of sin... Cya I hope...The hardest thing for me is forgiving myself but I believe why Christ payed for us so I believe then its done. I am forgiven "As long as I try to my best to be Gods Desire",,, Amen.

  • tweetybird193


    We sure miss your phone calls to bethel and to Kindumb halls. For a so called god choosen org. they sure we're surprised and stunned when you asked them questions and they couldn't answer. You gave up a good hobby.tweetybird

  • heathen

    The thing I'm trying to find out is whether or not the WTBTS even concerns itself with the new moon being over jerusalem when they start their ritual all over the world or do they just simply wait for sundown regardless of the new moons position ? To me this would be important no matter what time it happens to be in various places around the world.

  • Posidon

    Opps,,, I meant when Jesus went to the mount of olives, His " Disciples " privately saying, Tell us,when will these things be ? And what would be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age, Matthew 24: 3 - 38 ect. ,,,He also instructed us to posatively learn the "This parable from the fig tree". ,,, All those lives thousands of years ago untill now are our Examples folks, Lets document the Words of God from Him,,, Example, Jeremiah 17: 5 - 7 Thus says the Lord : Cursed is the man who trusts in man, ect... Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord And whose Hope is the Lord,,, You can debate an waste all the time ya want or we can actually document the Truth straight from God Him Self with this Life letter too you and me so that we get excited " dynamite " about Life not death, Its all about Love, thats a big one, Ezekiel 18: 4 Behold, All souls are Mine: The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is Mine: Love is Life...One thing for sure our Father Loves each and every one of us we He Created he don't like alot of what we do but he Loves us desperately,,, The Laws are Set and nomatter what any body does too try and change His accompleshment's from the Beginning to the End & After, It has'nt and never will work so lets read what He's doing lol...Make sure we are being taught correct, We are very fortunate to be living in this Grace Age of the Fig, So we can make our choice to be happy with no fear and Live or be miserable an die...The choice is ours and the Bible is'nt boring when read correctly, Taught correctly word for word, scripture to scripture... A child can actually understand it better then most of us lol " no worries mates " Thank you Jesus for showing us How IT's Done ! Amen... And God Bless you YHVH ;)

  • LDH
    I find they follow the Catholic calendar.

    there are more catholics than jews in this world now aren't there?

    when everyone's getting ready for easter - by that I mean christians that believe in the resurrection

    a high control group also calling themselves christian act just enough to be included in the "christian" group.

    so new outfits, special visitors - the air is there. separate of course


    They get as close to Christian EASTER as they possibly can, but stay different enough that they can make fun of the "christians" for celebrating it.

  • Posidon

    Heathen,, I also know that our 2006 Passover for Christ can be calculated exactly,,, I'm tring to get as much Solar calender info as i can fast as we are about spring Exqinox as we speak... Help us ok please ... Posidon... But for me i sorrow from now till no telling as i feel it in my bones threw my blood, pain, I know that is Our Greatest Blessing for Christ to Fore Fill and i hope all can be happy for that what He done,,, Any ways i'll try and help,,, I'm gonna document my findings from my note up above the date... Cya..

  • LDH

    um ok

  • heathen

    I did try to find some stuff . In fact I looked at the farmers almanac which says it's a full moon in north america on april 12. I guess what we need is an almanac that tells us what phase the moon is in jerusalem or asia .

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