Does disfellowshipping work?

by what_Truth? 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • what_Truth?

    Okay as of Honesty's last post I've counted

    5 people who left in part or full because of the DF policy

    2 people who left becuase of people who WEREN'T disfellowshipped

    8 people who left for completely different reasons

    lets see what happens on good friday

  • GentlyFeral

    I left because I finally realized that 23 years of shunning and "being no part of the world" was turning me into a judgemental she-prick. You can't submit to that and live by the Golden Rule.

    gently feral

  • moanzy

    There were many reasons I finally left.

    The number one reason that helped me make the final decision was that they were forcing me to go door to door against my unbelieving husbands wishes. Their answer was that either Dean will just give up or he will leave. I have 3 small children and I was trying to picture raising my kids all by myself and explaining to the girls that Daddy was bad and wouldn't let Mommy go door to door so I had to leave that bad man.

    My mother and father were broken up because of the religion and I know what it is like to grow up in a broken home. NO THANKS!!! Especially when these dad's are really great fathers.


  • mamochan13

    DF'ing playing a big part in why I left.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Answer: Only if you're "into" S&M

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