Expenses for bethelites

by JEMIMAH 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I was interested to know that the recipient was John Wynn from the London Bethel.

    I never forgot an embarrasing incident in my younger years concerning this fella. There I was in the second to back row of our local cinema engaged in a passionate snog with a ladyfriend, I looked over her shoulder and who should be sat behind watching every move but John Wynn and his wife Hettie. I'd lunched with him at the Bethel the previous year and he recognised me instantly. He never grassed on me!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.


    I enjoyed your experience Englishman. probably more than you did!

    Maybe John and Hettie where picking up a few tips from you.?

  • outnfree

    OK, I just woke up, so for others who might take a while (and for posters who were not ever JW's) SAD = Special Assembly Day. A one day meeting of a circuit (usually made up of 10-15 congregations) which regularly features a visiting Bethel speaker or two for the keynote address and closing remarks.

    I was amazed (again!) at the BRCI conference when I had the
    "envelope" system mentioned previously on this board confirmed by a Canadian ex-Bethelite. I had never considered that these full-time workers who had their travel expenses covered by our voluntary donations, and who lived at the various Bethels which were also supported by our voluntary donations (and slave labor), would be getting money passed to them on the side!

    Perhaps the governments of various nations that treat the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses as a tax-exempt charitable organization, and who think that members of the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses truly live by their vow of poverty, should think about infiltrating the organization:

    Bringing a video camera along to the convention to record the
    "passing of the envelopes" (undeclared income?) and having the Bethel car bugged to hear the exclamations of "$50.00 from Brother X, $200 from Brother & Sister Y!" made on the way home to Bethel as the envelopes are eagerly torn open... AND identifying the givers so that the paper trail can be traced back through the various bank accounts of the generous brothers! ?

    And here I was busily donating my husband's old suits and my old dresses that no longer fit us, so that these poor beggars could be properly clothed!

    Naively stupid! (Or as Norm put it -- dim idiot! LOL)


    Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? <<-- kinda describes the whole dub experience, doesn't it?

  • nytelecom1

    hahah..thats why the us rules........we use dollars and gas is so frigging cheap


    Do you think that the envelopes go into a communal pot for all "bethel elders" or more likely each keeps his own.


  • Maximus

    Communal pot?

    Surely you jest.

    <huge grin>


  • ozziepost

    From what I have personally seen, when it comes to money, most Bethelites (senior ones, anyway) are very sharp. Making a deal can take up a bit of time e.g. vehicles, trips.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

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