Expenses for bethelites

by JEMIMAH 16 Replies latest jw friends


    I was recently carrying out an audit for our latest S.A.D
    when I came across the travel expenses paid out to our guest speaker from the branch (John Wynn)

    He was paid £255.00 about 85p a mile, "bit over the top"

    And I was also interested to learn that all UK bethelites can claim
    up to £2,000.00 per annum in travel expenses.

    Does anyone know if this applies to other branch offices?

    or is the UK Branch taking advantage of UK charity tax breaks?

  • Fredhall


    What is wrong helping out the Bethelites? They do alot of work for us.


    Thanks Fred

    I agree that they do work hard,

    But £255.00 for a day trip seems excessive to me,

    Also I was just inquiring if the £2000.00 yearly travel expenses is a local idea or a international plan for all bethelites worldwide

  • ozziepost

    Jem So good to "hear" from you. Interesting update you've raised here. Do you remember when SAD's were first introduced. (Another simplification!!) We were told it would provide an opportunity for those at the branch to be more 'in touch' with the Brothers. In the few years since then I have wondered at the effectiveness of this arrangement. I have been 'privileged' to be in the Bethel family and, at Morning Worship, heard the reports of "Brother Bethel elder" who brings greetings from such-and-such a place that he's visited for a SAD. But nothing much else. Really, I wonder how much keeping 'in touch' it really provided. And it seems from your report a rather costly little junket too.

    BTW don't forget too that accommodation and meals are provided as hospitality by the host circuit/congregation.

    With regard to the re-imbursement of mileage, I believe that a benefit from this flows to the Branch Office accounts. Whose car was he driving? If it was a Bethel vehicle, there is a handy re-coupment there.

    Yet another little point, the mileage was 300 miles which I assume means a one-way trip of 150 miles. Was there no cheaper mode of travel? Even plane would be cheaper, wouldn't it? Surely those fast trains in England would also be more economical.

    Perhaps I'm just being negative.


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?


    Hi Oz
    "With regard to the re-imbursement of mileage, I believe that a benefit from this flows to the Branch Office accounts. Whose car was he driving? If it was a Bethel vehicle, there is a handy re-coupment there.
    It was a bethel car, interestingly he also received about a dozen sealed envelopes from different elders as well.

    perhaps applications for special privleges such as D.C talks and the like (simony)

    I wonder if such "application forms" are declared for tax purposes


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello JEMIMAH and Ozzie:

    Interesting observation you've noted.

    Converting 255.00 GBP is $563.00 CAD and $365.00 USD.

    You're right. It does seem quite "a bit" over the top especially when it is not even his car being used....no monthly car payments, no insurance payments, repairs and upkeep. So why such a high allowance plus all the sealed envelopes received?

    From past postings, the regular Bethelite workers, had to pay for their own travel expenses to and from meetings and service out of their own monthly allowance as well as their own car payments etc. if they owned one.

    These little tidbits never cease to amaze me and they just keep being added to the pile of inconsistences that are becoming quite a mountain.

    Had Enough

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Jemimah,

    thnaks for the information.

    Personally I do agree with Hadenough statement:

    "These little tidbits never cease to amaze me and they just keep being added to the pile of inconsistences that are becoming quite a mountain."

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Further thoughts on this. (OK it's got me curious!)

    If the 'Bethel representative' was driving a medium car he may achieve 30 mpg on a long trip. Petrol in the UK costs how much? Say 1 GBP per gallon. He travelled 300 miles. So he spent 10 pounds on petrol. His oil costs would be negligible. This leaves 245 pounds to cover his depreciation, maintenance, and insurance. Of course, his depreciation would occur irrespective of whether he had come to the SAD or not and is not a valid expense to the SAD. The same with his insurance. So really, that makes for a pretty heavy 'profit' on the fuel costs which can be directly attributable to the SAD.

    A nice little earner, eh? Who was that guy in Minder who had the car yard? He would be proud of this!


    "You can know the law by heart, without knowing the heart of it"
    Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?

  • qwerty

    "Petrol in the UK costs how much? Say 1 GBP per gallon."

    Haaaa HHHaaaaaaa haa ahhahh uuuuuuuhh!

    Try multiplying that by 4.


  • Stephanus

    Sheesh! So it's forty pounds for the petrol! Do try to pay attention; there is still a great deal of difference between cost of the trip and compensation provided therefore.

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