Do You Have To Believe In God To Pray?

by Englishman 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Englishman

    Or does prayer sometimes help us communicate with our own subconscious mind?

    Or maybe we're just acknowledging the power of the universe as a whole?

    Or something else perhaps?


  • Crumpet

    Well is that really prayer - isn't it just talking to yourself?

  • BrendaCloutier

    I am an agnostic, and the "god" I believe in happens to be a non-diety, and therefore not to be worshipped. However, I pray to "god".

    The two most powerful prayers I know are "god help me", and "god bless ____". Simple, no strings attached, with awesome results. I've experienced the results in myself, I've seen the results in others from my prayers, and I've heard of the results others have had when using "god bless ___"

    I happen to believe that prayer is what helps connect us to the "universe" that connects every living thing with each other, and with the universe as a whole.

    I don't know how or why it works. I just know it does.... and that is now good enough for me!

    BTW: Meditation is listening for the answer. It may not be the answer to your question; you may not have even posed the question yet for the answer.

    God bless you Englishman.
    God bless Simon and all of his minions who help run this board.
    God bless everyone on this board.

    Amen! And hugs.

  • Bas

    I'm an agnostic atheist, basically I don't believe in god. However sometimes I get the urge to communicate with "yonder", and then it just happens. It feels like my thoughts are heard somewhere far far away and it's very fulfilling.


  • what_Truth?

    No, but focusing on his magnificence is a good focal point.

  • Satanus

    A lot of the 12 steppers emphasise the just believing. Not necesarily a what, but just to believe. Yes, it works.

    There are two grand trunk networks to which we are connected, in as much as we are of a dual nature (light vs dark, yin vs yang, spirit vs matter):

    the universe/tao/civilisation

    and the spirit/light

    It seems to me that our connection to these two realms/dimensions/or whatever, is through the subconscious, as far as we are connected/at one w it/truthful w ourselves. Prayer type exercises help in programing both of those areas.


    Ps, who has the pipe?

  • iiz2cool

    I talk to my cockatoo. At least she responds.


  • Narkissos
  • proplog2

    Actually ALL conversation is with ourselves. Even posts on this board are notes to yourself. (Note to self: I've got to quit listening to other peoples conversations.) The power of prayer is in the belief that someone is listening who you can't fool.

    Most people don't have the power to be brutally honest with themselves. Prayer is cheap therapy.

  • mnb77

    I found a piece that portrayed prayer this way ?prayer does not consist in asking God for something but in opening our hearts to God, in speaking with Him, and living with Him in perpetual communion. Prayer is continual abandonment to God.?

    I think it is beautiful and true


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