The Concept That Holds Jehovah's Witnesses Captive.

by Blueblades 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    It isn't what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about the Bible that has made them captives of a concept. It is what they believe about the Watchtower Society that has done it.

    There are two things that are necessary to compare.

    1) The Society's interpretation of Matthew 24:45--47, the most important scripture in Watchtower Theology.


    2) Watchtower History as it relates to their interpretation of Matthew 24:45--47, the most important event in Watchtower History, 1919 Jesus's Appointment of them as God's Organization.

    From Don Cameron's book, "Captives of a Concept".

    If you haven't read it yet, it's right up there with 'Crises of Conscience'.If you have loved ones that you want to help get out of this Organization, this book is the Key.


  • Goldminer

    Thanks for that information.I called the bookstore a while back and they told me they couldn't find it anywhere.Hopefully they can get it sometime soon,I'm very eager to read it.

  • Hanover Fist
    Hanover Fist

    why do so many feel that it is captivity?

    I like watchtower magazine. it is very uplifting and encouraging with so much trash out here today it is rather good to read. plus is inspired by god so it must be good!

    In Messiah,


  • aniron
    I like watchtower magazine. it is very uplifting and encouraging with so much trash out here today it is rather good to read. plus is inspired by god so it must be good!

    I'd answer but I'm still on the floor laughing.

  • slimboyfat

    Never have I seen a book so shamelessly and relentlessly plugged

    We know about the book already!

    There is no way it can be compared with C of C - "Captives to a Concept" is boring because it is a feable attempt to make some money. C of C, at least, was from the heart.

  • googlemagoogle

    hi hannover fist,

    i first thought you were joking, but reading your other posts i saw you are serious about it.

    i am a JW, my family is JW, my friends are JW. but after doing some research it's clear to me that there's nothing special about the JW, they do not have "the truth". in fact, there's no religious truth at all.

    why some people feel that it is captivity? now take my case. if i simply leave, as you suggest in another post, my friends are not allowed to talk to me anymore, not even greet me when they see me. my family is not allowed to talk to me more than necessary, that is, as i don't live with my parents, not at all. my family and some of my friends would break the rules though, but they'd be in serious trouble then. they could be disfellowshipped, if they don't repent hanging around with me.

    now i am stuck between two options: losing most of my friends and family or staying a JW and pretend believing it is the truth. i chose the latter option, although not pretending good enough, you don't know how hard it is to be a hypocrite. so i am known as a person "with serious doubts", which means "bad association". i'm in the lucky situation though, that most of my friends got their doubts too, so they don't care.

    lots of love,

    ps: don't take any life-changing decisions without checking both sides first. please.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    hanover fist - you believe that the Watchtower magazine is 'inspired by God' ? Really? Even the WTBTS does not make that kind of claim!

    Go to this site - read some of the exact quotes from that inspired magazine and come back and tell us what you think then - WOW!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Goldminer -

    It is not in the bookstores yet. Don told me it may be soon. You can get it only one place that I know of; @ That is an online publisher.

    It is worth the read. And I don't agree with the comment that it was just an effort to make money. Even if so, the twenty years that Don sacrificed to the WTBTS are a high price to pay. Many of us sacrificed more than that without any monetary gains -and this endorsement is free and honest.


  • trevor

    JWS are easy to understand when we realize that they are not interested in truth or compassion.

    They will believe or do whatever they have to if it saves their own skins. If that means endorsing mass genocide then they just shrug and say, 'OK!' They believe that they will live forever if they pretend to believe whatever the Bethel Boppers tell them - whatever that is irrelevant to most of them.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I haven't read Captive of a Concept (or Crisis of Conscience actually), but I was initially turned off by the marketing approach that was used and got the feeling right away it had nothing for me that I don't already know.

    Someone needs to tell Hanover whatever he/she still has plenty of time to go in field service this month, no need to troll the JWD.

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