How many should partake this year at the memorial?

by M.J. 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    w99 2/1 p. 17 Our Treasure in Earthen Vessels ***

    But in 1935 there was a worldwide total of 52,465 publishers, out of a peak of 56,153, who indicated their heavenly hope by partaking of the Memorial emblems.

    *** w97 1/1 p. 10 Let All Glorify Jehovah! ***

    They increased in number down to the year 1935 when 56,153 reported field service. In that year, 52,465 had partaken of the emblems of bread and wine at the annual Memorial of Jesus? death,

    *** w96 8/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    For example, at the Memorial celebration in 1935, attended by 63,146, those partaking of the emblems in evidence of their profession to be anointed numbered 52,465. T


    w88 12/15 p. 12 Angelic Messages for Our Day ***

    In 1935 attendance worldwide at the Memorial observance of Jesus? death was 32,795. Of these, *****27,006 partook of the emblems as being the remaining ones on earth of the 144,000, whose hope is heavenly

  • jgnat

    Here's an actuarial table. I've noticed the number-crunchers use these to figure out how many annointed should be around.

    Looking at this one way, someone who partook in 1935 at age 16 would be 86 years old today. Today's actuarial table says he/she will live 5-6 more years.

    I worked out the average age distribution from 1940 US census figures (assuming nobody under 5 partook) *

    Anointed 1935 Age 5-19 Age 20-49 Age 45-64 Age 65 over
    27,006 7,758 11,431 5,818 1,998
    52,465 15,072 22,208 11,304 3,882

  • glenwoodswoman

    I am with you wild thing....every annointed person I have ever met has been certifiably nuts. Usually some obsessive compulsive loser, ohmygod.....its all coming back to me now!

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    "How many should partake this year at the memorial?"

    16 million...??

  • Flash

    When is this years memorial??

  • Hondo

    How does one know if he or she (can women be annointed?) is annointed on not? Flash of heavenly light? booming voice from the heavens proclaiming someones annointedness?

    The annointed of today (real old folks I would presume) did they know they had become annointed? Does Governing Body decide (after all, they speak for God)? If one thinks one is ready to become an annointed one, does he or she (again, can a woman become an annointed one) put in a request through some congragational chain of command? Or, does one just have than special feeling and decide one day to be an annointed one???

    Curious. Thanks

  • ezekiel3

    Flash: the memorial is March 24 for 2005.

    Using the site linked by jgnat and Blondie's references we can come to this estimation.

    First I am going to assume that everyone partaking in 1935 was an average of 25 years old. IMO this is weighted on the youthful side.

    That 25 years old in 1935 would be a birthdate of 1910. That would make our partakers 94 years old in 2004 (when the Periodic Life Table was last updated

    The average life expectancy of 94-year-olds (men and women are combined in this study) in 2004 was 3 years by the way. Only 4.3% were still alive.

    If we accept the number of 52465 partakers in 1935 (thanks for pointing out that discrepancy Blondie!) that would mean that there would be an estimated 2256 partakers in 2004 (if all the partakers were 30). Not far off from MJ's estimate of 2080.

    It must be a great concern to the WTS how to manage the numbers in the next 5 years. According to the table referenced above, all 95 year-olds in 2004 will be dead by the end of 2007 (on average of course).

    After 2007 you may confidently assume that most partakers will be "replacements." Talk about a pucker factor. See my comments on the ramifications of this at: Why the Anointed Remnant is On Life Support

  • willyloman
    After 2007 you may confidently assume that most partakers will be "replacements." Talk about a pucker factor.

    Precisely. Watch for "new light" on the 1935 date sometime in '07!

  • Doom


  • xjw_b12

    LOL. Thanks Blondie. The WTBTS, can't even fudge their figures consistantly.

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