If I join theJWs what is my financial commitment?

by Qcmbr 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool
    Actually, we had a talk one time in Willits where the Brother "G" broke up the amount of the hall payment, the utilities and expences that we were expected to pay for the CO, and the 'value' of the literature being consumed, and decided that if each person in attendance contributed exactly $15.00 per month, everything would be covered.

    They did that in my congregation too, and it was announced that each person had been "assessed" a certain amount. I was extremely offended and angry, and it was at that moment that I resolved to never give them a cent.


  • heathen

    Here in texas they built a million dollar assembly hall instead of renting the convention center . I thought they went over the top on that . They don't even cover your expenses while selling their publications yet they can buy a million dollar facility to be used a couple of times a year ? I don't even get why they force everybody in the area to pay for it when they are a billion dollar corporation and will end up owning it in the end anyway .

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I no longer contribute a red cent, but my husband more than makes up for it. It makes me angry that he gives so generously.


  • zman

    just the basics, blood of first born, first of the flock = you are their's with all you got!!

  • wannaexit

    There is no set amount asked BUT you will be expected to give. Giving financially is encouraged and part of the worship.


    P.S. Are you really serious about joining?

  • PurpleV

    If you join the JWs your financial commitment will be the least of your problems.

  • LongHairGal

    This makes me laugh. What about those of us who have to play a game of "catch up" because we didn't save enough money because we were told the end was near?


  • Qcmbr

    Sorry about the insinuation that I wanted to join - I don't. I was asking the question in a general way.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Here in texas they built a million dollar assembly hall instead of renting the convention center

    Heathen, if you're talking about the assembly hall built in a pasture outside of Denton the price tag was actually $12 million. And that was with free labor.

  • Scully

    • Watchtower and Awake magazines placed circa 1989, To Cover The Cost Of Printing?: 50ยข US
    • Annual costs of lost work, meeting clothes, literature, wear & tear on vehicle for a JW family of 4: $7,500 US (minimum)
    • Contribution Box and other forms of donations: Optional, but highly recommended
    • Your child's life, if you must refuse a blood transfusion that could save him/her: Priceless

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