Why do I never see a bearded Jehovahs Witness (man I mean!!!)?

by sting 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Puternut

    Hair above the lip and you're a good dubbie.

    Hair below the lip and you're a trouble maker.


  • iiz2cool
    Hair above the lip and you're a good dubbie.

    Depends on the congregation. I was harassed for years because I had a moustache.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I always thought that was a stupid rule. Last I heard, sisters were discouraged from wearing braids (extensions). One pioneer sister gave a presentation at CA wearing a wig. When the brother giving the part was told she had braids under the wig he was furious . He said "if I knew she was wearing braids under that wig I wouldn't have let her give her part".

    What a bunch of dweebs! NO PERSONAL FREEDOM WHATSOEVER!!!

  • doogie
    they prefer to be like women

    LOL ah...jeez. that's hilarious. (i don't think i;'ve ever laughed out loud at a post)

  • IP_SEC

    This was their flimsy basis for Jesus Nobeard

    *** w54 8/15 p. 511 Questions from Readers ***
    Since the Bible does not describe Jesus? facial appearance or indicate he had a beard of length, we follow the oldest archaeological evidence rather than the later traditional view that makes Jesus appear effeminate and sallow and sanctimonious. Some use Isaiah 50:6 as proof that Jesus had a beard: ?I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.? This may have been literally fulfilled in a typical way upon Isaiah, foreshadowing the shameful insults and reproaches to be heaped upon the servant class, the primary one of whom is Christ Jesus. Each one of the servant class suffers reproaches, but not necessarily all of the ones here specified. The record shows Jesus was whipped, slapped and spat on, but no mention is made of beard-plucking. If it had happened why would it not have been named along with the other abuses and insults? (Matt. 27:26; Mark 14:65, NW) In fact, the Septuagint rendering of Isaiah 50:6 does not mention the cheeks? being plucked of hair, but as being slapped instead: ?I gave my back to scourges, and my cheeks to blows; and I turned not away my face from the shame of spitting.? The record in the Gospels states all this did literally happen to Jesus.

    Here is the newlight

    *** w68 5/1 p. 286 Questions from Readers ***
    Biblical evidence is the most reliable testimony to be found on this question, and a recent (so the previous review wasn?t careful enough?) careful review of what it says indicates that Jesus did indeed have a beard.

    Mwhahahhah goobering body you is sooo stoopid

    Here is the artifact they based this idea on

  • Flash

    As an 'active' witness I regularly wore a full beard. I was viewed as rebelious and wouldn't be given parts on the meetings or be allowed to give talks in the main hall.

    It starts with a phony principle based on a mis-applied scripture about 'not being part of the world' and on the dress code given to ancient Israel. The whole premise is wrong because those anointed to rule over God's New Covenant worshipers would be 'persons bought out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.' (Revelation 5:9) Every culture and time period has its own dress and grooming styles, its own foods and music and art, one is not better than another...just differant. So the real principle and truth today is that God's Christian people have no distinct look that sets them apart. Loveis our identifing mark now, not our dress or grooming.

  • Buster

    I remember one black brother in my cong. that claimed that he suffered from shaving bumps. So he gre a beard. The a$$holes asked him to produce a doctor's note.

    I also remember the elder's retort when confronted with the fact that Jesus wore a beard. It was something like, 'And he wore a robe and sandals all the time. Are you going to do that too?' I'll be goddamned if that didn't make sense to that fool.

  • TheEdge
    Because beards are reserved for beatniks, bikers, and hippies

    .....and which category did Jesus fall into.....? It's the craziest rule - God intended men to have facial hair is my thinking!

    ...even GOD had a beard, lol.(maybe He's had to shave it off now, to keep in line with WTBTS rules??!!)

  • dh

    I know it is a rare thing and that it is looked down on, but I knew two elders who had beards. One was a visiting speaker who had a skin disorder. He always maintained a thick beard to cover his face, and we only found out because people asked him after his talk, why he had a beard (naturally most people were quite surprised because it was a full on beard).

    The other was an elder in our local congregation who was famous for fainting and collapsing midway through public talks... sometimes before he even got to the platform he would collapse... He also had a beard, but his went through phases where sometimes he would have it full, then other times he would have moustache only.

  • talesin

    goobering body <----------

    ... hahahaha....hahahaha !!

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