Does Anyone mind if I freak out?

by Sparkplug 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Badger


    Bless your heart...this is supposed to be a positive time for you too! I'm sorry that such tragedy rears its ugly head anytime, but especially now...

  • GetBusyLiving


    For whatever its worth.. someone you don't even know hope's that you feel better.. you seem like a really great person and I love your posts. Im so sorry for you.


  • Sparkplug

    Badger: Cry tonight and Party for the posotive in a couple weeks when it is all done. This too shall pass and head into the blob of a mushy mass known as my lost memories. Great having PTSD

    GBL-Thank you. We will get to know each other...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Spark, I read this earlier. I know this is going to sound strange, but your Gammie might find some comfort in knowing someone dear to her will await her on the other side. We used to call my great grandmother Gammy.

    This too shall pass. How true those words are. I recite them like a mantra sometimes to get through the worst and most painful times.

    Hugs for you.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    <<<< breathe in ,,, breathe out >>>>

    <<<< breathe in ,,, breathe out >>>>

    Brilliant advice.

    Breathing got me through my father-in-law's suicide. It does get better, but right now it's tough. Don't be surprised if you find yourself "spacing out" or even getting very angry over some little something (the guy who cut you off in traffic for example).

    Keep talking, both here and to whoever you can in real life. Give yourself Sparkplug time every week and it will get better.


  • Sparkplug

    Oh my word Tex...I am usually the calmest person in traffic. It does not get to me and today I was cussing and highly irritated today. So you are saying this is normal. My poor kids just looked at me like I lost my mind.

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