counsel from elders

by bonnzo 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    My first rude awakening came when I was approached by an elder many years ago about how it was noticed that I wore a skirt with a slit when I attended a circuit assembly. Mind you, this was a skirt that was below my knees by at least two inches! The slit was in the front and it wasn't that bad. Here I was feeling good about myself and I get tapped on the shoulder. That was the end of my innocence as far as they were concerned! From that point I realized how hooked they were on modesty in women's dress. Over the years I noticed that certain sisters were singled out more than others.


  • adelmaal

    My ex-husband had this happen one time and he asked whose conscience it was he had offended and then proceed to inquire as to why the individual did not approach him personally about it. That pretty much shut the elder up. The brother who had been offended did eventually speak to him and it was such a trivial matter. He was basically just sticking his nose in where it didn't belong. The individual just so happened to be the elder's son - LOL.

  • LongHairGal

    Further to my previous post (forgive me because this topic of counsel makes me angry). First, in all fairness let's admit that sometimes the counsel is deserved. Sometimes the offending brother or sister really needs to be told that they are doing, saying or wearing something outrageous or whatever. The problem lies in the fact that there are no boundaries with this and there some things that are left to personal interpretation. What you sometimes have then is a situation where in certain halls certain elders (or their wives) will go around "counseling" people about anything that gets their nose out of joint. This can range from criticizing people about their dress or any other topic that is not of a scriptural nature.


  • FairMind

    Almost everyone has a conscience that can be offended. My conscience becomes offended when someone else imposes his or her conscience on me (stalemate!). Since I no longer have most privileges I just tell the Elders that since I’m not in the game I’m not going to follow any silly rules.

  • tijkmo

    i was going to see pink floyd with a bunch of young guys in my hall and another young lad who wasnt invited simply because he was too young decided we shouldnt be going so reported us to the elders...i was an ms acting as an elder at the time..public i was told not to go but hey it WAS pink floyd and when i returned i still gave the public talk etc...but when the co came i was invited along with the po to the encouragement room and i was reprimanded and had all my priveledges removed..i did try in my defence to reason with the po (a lying backstabbing bully if ever there was one...hope he finds out i said this and sues) because he used to go to concerts with his teenage daughters but true to form he denied it to my face in the presence of the co (and J. come to that tho i doubt he cares)..the guys who came with me all got extra priveledges after the co visit..i was well chuffed (but pleased for them)..tijkmo

  • Maverick

    This reminds me of a time when the PO, a dapper, sweet older man with a mustache told me the CO, Claton Peace would not recommend me to be a Elder. Inspector General Peace said he didn't like the fact that I wore cowboy boots and had a mustache. I talked to Mr Peace about this and he confirmed that it was true. I pointed at my polished Justins and then at his ratty, worn and scuffed shoes. I told him I was raised in a military household and your foot gear had better look sharp, then I mentioned that his shoes looked like he stole them off the back of a car with, "just married" printed on the windscreen. He turned red and never spoke to me again...."thank God!"

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