Is it best to ignore it?

by happehanna 22 Replies latest members private

  • Honesty
    My parents refuse to meet my boyfriend and I am in the same situation faded, a non attender, weak and hence refuse to acknowledge my new life.

    That must be their JW trained conscience kicking in Happehana. IMO they are the weak ones and are just trying to put a guilt trip on you and your daughter. One day they will see the error of being involved in the satanic cult. Whether they see the cult fo what is is by choice or they are forced to see it by a higher power they will no doubt have a very long time to remember how unloving they have been. I hope they change their thinking on your account.

  • Scully


    There seems to be a lot more pressure recently on active JWs - especially those with Privileges? - to refuse to attend any social event that celebrates inactive or former JWs, and particularly anything to do with DAd people. Minimus' mother was removed from the pioneer list after serving for 40 years, because she went to her granddaughter's wedding to a non JW. I'm anticipating an issue with an up-coming wedding in my family too.

    I certainly wouldn't be inclined to share photographs with people who refuse to attend. Their loss. Their actions and decisions should have consequences. I'm often amazed at their sense of entitlement - like they "deserve" to be treated better than they treat other people. I don't think so.

    Love, Scully

  • happehanna

    Scully your comment was really interesting about "their sense of entitlement....... deserving to be treated better than they treat other people" My father is an elder and it is his life and has been for over fifty years thats why I know he finds it so difficult not to break or bend any rules, I am seriously amazed he still talks to me to be honest. all the best with your up coming wedding.

    Honesty I really think that they wont admit to an error on their part, they think by refusing to be real family to me and mine then I will see their love and run back to being a JW I think not.

    Golf making the most of a happy occasion is what we intend. I was wondering what would happen if my daughter and her then husband ever tried to visit any of my family in hospital or god forbid try to attend a funeral. How long will they keep this up........

    Its sad but I am not devastated it is what we have come to expect really. I know it breaks my mothers heart not to come is a shame. What wasted opportunities to show real family love.

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