JW cd-rom availability?

by spider 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • spider

    I was looking for a watchtower cd rom, and as I can't go through official chanels, I looked at e-bay to see if they had it.

    Yes, there it was - but I found to my surprise that people are making copies and selling it - there is one here which is going for $31 dollars so far, and its still got a day and half to go. Check it out (paste it into address field)


    Seems like an easy money earner - but is there a cheaper way of being able to get hold of one?

  • M.J.

    PM someone who has it! Shhhhhh!

  • VM44

    Hey! When did the 2004 WT Library CD come out? I want a copy! --VM44

  • Elsewhere

    As far as I know the latest is 2003.

  • Pole

    PM me to "find out" about the 2004 one. :).


  • FairMind

    No, the 2004 is out. I received mine last Thursday (03/10). This one has maps and pictures.


  • VM44

    If a new WT-Library CD is going to be released every year from now on, then it would be good if there was a place to go online to get the latest copy! :) --VM44

  • Pwned

    do they put all the wtbts publications on there and if not what do they leave out? has the WT edited past literature to remove/change embarrasing passages?

  • geevee

    We found a couple of articles dont turn up when you search certain topics...i.e w74 8/1 article of the treating of disfellowshipped people. [wonder why] Another topic was to do with letting your animals eat unbled other animals like cat/birds and giving your animals blood transfusions. There was a Q from R in the 50's that said it is taboo... It is a wonder the CD isn't available somewhere with Peer to Peer....might try winmx...

  • stillajwexelder

    I got my 2004 CD-ROM two weeks ago. I can burn copies but it wil lstart costing me lots of money in postage etc. I refuse to sell on e-bay as I think it is illegal for me to make copies of copywrite material and profit from it. Making copies and donating thme my conscience will allow as I do not think that is illegal

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