Do they still use the Live forever book?

by Pwned 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under74

    I wouldn't know if they use it anymore or not. But I still use it--to prove to friends (and for a time myself) how f**ked up the WTS is.

  • geevee

    We had this visiting guy [not a c/o] come to the meetings, he was from another city. He had been faded for many years, but was making a huge come back. Well his literature bag was stacked with them and he was offering them like they were the greatest thing since sliced bread! Perhaps he had bought them years ago, and with price rises etc he was making a killing?

  • JustTickledPink

    I will never forget how my mom learned the "truth" from the "truth" book... I never read the thing. Maybe I should and see what the fuss was all about. Personally I was from the generation with the "Live Forever" book and loved placing it and showing them the paradise pics. But yes, it's been replaced. After all there is HUGE emphasis on the 1914 doctrine and any reasonable person can't make those numbers compute anymore. 1914 + 70 or 80 years = 1994. Well shucks, it's 2005. What went wrong????

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