Where do you think evil (or bad behavior) comes from?

by wordlywife 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    STD - LOL!

    I really think you don't have to disbelieve in God to realize we arent being messed around with by demons. Put it this way - why do you think there was a tidal wave that killed thousands of people in Indonesia, including woman and children? What God would allow that? Not one with human compassion. The problem is thinking it has human emotions like us - thats why we find it so hard to comprehend and a get messed up in crazy cults like the JW's. If you accept that you can't really understand things, that its IMPOSSIBLE to ever really understand it.. it makes more sense. lol.


  • JamesThomas

    A star supernovas because it is the nature of phenomena to flow and change; what is born, will die. If there were life-forms on an orbiting planet which ended because of the stars blast, our minds would likely label it "bad". But, really, what does nature know of bad? Things are just moving and changing.

    In a universe which expresses infinitely and unchained by any abstract concepts of good or bad, anything can happen, everything can happen. Look around you, isn't that the way it IS?

    Of course this answer is unsatisfying, because suffering continues. Suffering we would like to see end.

    We can continue to disagree with and try and fight the reality of what IS (good luck), we can put our heads up our ass and just not care about anything, or we can question our beliefs in ourselves as tiny fragile entities adrift in a sea of good and evil. As long as we continue to see self as a fragment separate from the allness of things, there is a natural desire for a sense of wholeness in-which every avenue is travelled including murder, rape and plunder.

    Can there be a deeper and more significant seeing and discovery? What is true? Who am I? Am I this broken child? Can it be clearly seen to be a mental fabrication? Who/what, the hell am I, really?

    Radically questioning can be a doorway to freedom. A doorway that is always open.


  • dh
    Re: Where do you think evil (or bad behavior) comes from?


  • Valis
    Re: Where do you think evil (or bad behavior) comes from?


  • dh


  • wordlywife

    Now, now, dh and Valis, I was being serious.......

    Curiosity about how it would feel to hurt a child? Blechhhh...........

    But yes I guess I can see curiosity making a person want to try something labeled as "Bad Behavior" such as watching an "R" movie in the eyes of the WTBTS.

    worldly wife

  • frankiespeakin

    There is no such thing as a "universal" evil and good these are all mental constructs that have been for the most part handed down to us from our parents and ansestors. Everyone's view of what is evil and what is good is given to him by the society in which he came from,,with some room for personal differences depending on personal views we have accumulated,,but usually they are heavily dominated by the culture we were born and raised in.

    My illustration of the mountain lion is does not depend on how "you" as an individual looks at it,,since we all have various backrounds that determine our judgements in this area,, the fact that "some" would view this as evil is the point I was making. The fact some would not also illustrates how relative evil and good are.

    Bad behavior is also relative and depends on the societies in which one lives. There are still in existance societies that practice canibalism and head hunting which consider these things as acceptable behavior,, infact there are remote tribes that consider deciet and treachery noble qualities. Bad behaviour is likewise all relative to your culture. These qualities that one considers evil are a part of us we all (which we often try to supress or deny) they are our evolutionary heritage, which helped us to survive as a species,, as well as goodness and so called "right or good" behavior.

  • dh

    My serious view is that a lot of our behaviour stems from curiosity. Curiosity is how we as humans learn. I do not think we choose what we are curious about, we are just all curious about different things, because of what goes on in our lives.

    When a child pulls the wings off a butterfly, it is because they are curious, and because they are able. If a child gets a taste for pulling butterfly wings off, then perhaps you may start to call that 'evil'?

    I think it's the same with sex offences. The sicko starts off as curious, then they get obsessed and ultimately 'try it'.

    This begs me to ask you the question... In these examples do you think the 'evil' began by their being curious, or did it only become 'evil' when they took a liking to satisfying that curiosity?

    In either case, I think the starting point is human curiosity.

  • wordlywife
    In these examples do you think the 'evil' began by their being curious, or did it only become 'evil' when they took a liking to satisfying that curiosity?

    As Frankie said, evil is defined by the culture that views the offensive act/behavior as being evil/unacceptable. Is a fictitious Satan a good reason for human beings to say..."this is why so and so is behaving in such a way, the demons/Satan have him/her." I can't accept that.

    Perhaps it is all just curiousity, I never thought of it thought of it that way.

    Or expected behavior for a particlar culture.

    This is a wonderful place to stretch your mind!


  • frenchbabyface

    • selfishness :(greedyness, egocentrisme) leads to evil stuff
    • frustration (jalousie / paranoïa / suffering...) can lead to sick stuffs

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