Will the Society come up with new prophecy to cover the lack of growth now?

by AK - Jeff 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • wiegel

    I guess it depends on where you are standing. I have seen the "love of the greater number" cool off, and I have also seen the light "getting brighter". Watching the number of "posters" on this site growing so quickly, I can only imagine how many there are just "lurking". I know it took me 4 years before I started to post, but I was a visitor regularly.

    Of course, they will come up with an explanation of some prophecy or another. The question is, will they blame the publishers for the decline, or will they blame the apostates? And if it turns out to be "New Light", then no one can blame them because they are just doing as they are shown by Jehovah (they are so concerned about his reputation and yet they make him out to be so impotent and incapable of communicating with his "servants" or "prophets" or whatever - shameful). All that BS flows right down stream, and those who are tired of being burdened down with illogical and unloving rhetoric and seeing it for what it is.

    Maybe they have a huge 8 ball - the kind with the answers that float to the top. Must have something like that - intelligent adults could not compose this stuff on purpose, could they?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    Maybe you should consider writing for the society - you seem to have the knack for a good twist on things... I loved your prophetic parody...LOL


  • IP_SEC

    I keep askin them Jeff, but they keep saying "your not anointed" "you make too much sense" "work on your doublespeak" bla bla bla. I'll never be in their in crowd. :(*****

  • mkr32208

    Isn't it funny how all the positives about this group are positive and all the negatives are positive too? Must be nice!

  • Poztate
    As already quoted, the scripture is at Matt24:13, "...and because of the increasing lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off."

    I seem to remember them applying this scripture to all the churches and the fact(1970's) that people were leaving their churches in droves. This showed they said that we were living in the last days. Would this be new light if they changed it to apply to themselves??

    It never made sense to me because it was a quote for the "last days" and according to the WT only THEY had this "Love" in the time of the end? Was It just me...Am I old and senile (don't answer that) but does anyone else remember that point.

  • mkr32208
    But would that also mean that the preaching will stop for that same time period - they would have to find a way to keep the preaching going - though in Noah's day it obviously would have stopped when the door was closed.

    Maybe he was screaming out the little windows around the top of the ark? Of course what would he have screamed? Maybe something like "climb the olive trees 'cause they are going to be the only tree to survive!" Gen 8:11


    No doubt WBTS will recieve "New Light"....It will happen the moment they pull their head out of their ass.....OUTLAW

  • DHL

    This is why I love this site...

    Feb 2006 issue of WT ?Just as the Days of Noah? After we go into negative numbers.

    Excerpt: (Para 8) Just 7 days prior to the flood Noah entered the ark for the last time. Jehovah shut and sealed (no doubt hermetically) the arks door. At that moment all hope for salvation for the vast multitude of humankind was lost forever.

    Excerpt: (Para 14) In recent times some have felt that the door to salvation might be left open until the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Careful, further examination of the parallel accounts of the flood and Great Tribulation indicate that for some time prior to the destruction of this wicked world the ?door? to the ark of God?s organization maybe shut. This has already been evidenced in some lands where the preaching work seems unfruitful.

    Excerpt: (Para 21) Should the apparent closing of the ?door? cause us to slack the hand or become unfruitful in our service to God. Our next article will explain the length of time between the beginning of the closing of the ark, and the true last opportunity for salvation

    I'm out for so long now (sind 1982) but reading stuff sounding like this still sends shivers down my spine. I'm quite sure, the WBTS will come up with something like that. And I am absolutely sure many will believe it. And that is the scariest - and sadest - part of it all!

  • moanzy


    Have you checked out the growth of the Mormon's. Surely that must be a sign of God's blessing on that righteous religion!!


  • IP_SEC

    No, what is their growth? Sorry I just be too lazy to look it up right now :)

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