all i need is help

by angel1234 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Swan

    Welcome Angel!

    I don't think we've met because I mostly post out here on the BB. Personally, I tend to stay out of the chat room because I have a hard time following along. People will be having several conversations and it is hard to match which one they are responding to, although I have had some nice talks with folks in the past.

    I am sure you will find many people of this membership to be very helpful and outgoing. I have found most of them to be really nice people, online. Keep in mind that in person they are even nicer. Kinda like how TV makes people look heavier, discussion boards make people look meaner. That's why smilies were invented.


  • zman

    You need to stay I was I in chat and know what happened so pm if you want but we all have are problems and most of us want to help. talk to you soon.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I hope you stick around! This is a really great board.. its just the internet, sometimes someone will hide behind the curtain of the internet and take pot shots.


  • hubert

    You used a word that I always use in this forum. "FRIENDS" .... This is exactly who are in this forum. All these people here are here to help one another, and this includes you.

    I was hurt in my first post, and felt the same way as you do right now, but I stayed on, and found that 99.9 % of the people here are the greatest people I've ever "met".

    Don't let your spelling be a problem with posting here. You will notice that many foreigners post on this site, also, and some have a problem with the english language, the english language is supposed to be one of the hardest to master, so don't even worry about it.

    We understand you perfectly, so that is not a problem. The only problem we would have, is for you to be hurt and leave this forum because iof it.

    So, please, please stay, and enjoy taking in all the advice and friendship that these great people have to offer you.

    As you can see, I may be a fairly good speller, but am not that good getting my point across, so you see, we all have our handicaps. Don't let it be one for you. You are doing fine.

    Looking forward to reading many more of your posts.


  • pleaseer2001

    Hi Angel and Welcome!

    I know people can be funny without understanding and that truely is lack of understanding and Love! I left Chat because of how you were treated and am very sorry if anyone hurt you!

    If you need to talk feel free to ask!


  • HadEnuf

    Don't go Angel. This is an "Equal Opportunity" forum and everyone should feel welcome. Just like everywhere though, there are all kinds of personalities on this board and sometimes one person doesn't understand someone's wacky or strange sense of humor or someone doesn't think before talking and someone ends up getting hurt. (Wow...that was one long sentence).

    Stick around. Don't be discouraged by someone who's mouth is operating before their brain is.

    Cathy L.

  • Dragonlady76


    Please don't go. I'm really sorry if someone was mean to you, this is a great site and almost 99% of the people here are really very nice. Don't let a bad apple spoil it for you.


  • mtbatoon

    Don't be put off by others. It's your voice and however well you get it across it's still your voice. I too have difficulties with literacy. Like most of my posts this ones been written out on a word processor so the spell check will catch most of my bad spelling. I don't chat online much except one to one and when I do its slow and I get left behind. In the years I've been posting on the internet my spelling and composition has improved through practice (no really it has).

    It's a slow process communicating by keyboard and if people don't have the patience then there comments most likely aren't worth the effort.

    If I may make one comment, try to limit leet or txt speech, it's an extra effort but it hampers developing your communication skills.

  • love11

    Hi Angel,

    I'm a newbie too! I'm sorry to hear about someone being mean to you. Hopefully, what they were trying to say just came out wrong. But if not, we all have our days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Don't let their bad day effect how your day goes.

    What I do for spelling help is-

    When I'm writing I have 2 windows open - the jw forum and 2. is

    And somehow I still manage to mess up from time to time. So don't feel so bad. I don't think this forum is meant to be only for english professors.

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