Let the Games begin.......

by Gill 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    ((((( Gill )))))) You are amazing! Keep up the good work. You're parents no longer can push those buttons they programmed in you because you reprogrammed them. How good does that feel!?!

  • Bryan

    Good job!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Gill

    Hi Brenda!

    It feels wow! Liberation, eh! Long live free thought and free speech!

  • TheEdge

    Your parents' Wedding Anniversary? WOW - must be a biggie judging by YOUR age!

  • mtbatoon

    Good on you Gill.

    I've got an mental image of you rolling up your sleeves and bustling off to your parents anniversary.

    Scares me.

  • Gill

    TheEdge - Yes it is! How can they not invite their eldest and wicked naughty youngest daughter?

    mtbatoon -I'm not too keen on the word 'bustle'. I prefer 'hustle'! (She says, suddenly frowning thinking of all the possible connotations of the word and wondering whether she should have stuck with 'bustle'!)

    Either ways - still scary!

  • TheEdge

    I hope you're not going to be tooooooooo naughty - no Anniversary cake with that ''special message'' iced on it, no apostagram (now THERE'S a business idea!), and NO little goodie bags for all the relatives to take home. And when you send an Anniversary card, don't forget to write the obligatory Scripture, which is NOT Deuteronomy 18 v 20, and nothing with ''Wild Beast'' in it (unless it's in relation to marriage and NOT Revelation!)

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