I just did an evil

by seven006 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    that is evil.....and addictive.... i had to take the remote away from my ex cuz he couldnt stop scaring the spit out of people. it was just funny the first 150 times , after that it got old.

  • myself
    it was just funny the first 150 times

    149 remote controlled evils to go.

  • FlyingHighNow

    For you: Never did like those snotty, better-than-everybody kind of cheerleader type girls.

  • Purza

    Wish I could have seen that -- I probably would have LMAO. Hopefully you taught her a lesson.


  • gumby
    Sight of little cheerleader wannabe girl scared shitless: Priceless


  • seven006

    ***Never did like those snotty, better-than-everybody kind of cheerleader type girls. ***

    Until I grew a conscience, I use to date those better-then-anybody type of girls. I even divorced one a couple of times. Ya live and learn.

    ***149 remote controlled evils to go.***

    That's just plain stupid. 40 or 50 times should be sufficient.

    ***Hopefully you taught her a lesson. ***

    Ya, that lesson thing. That's exactly what I was going for..... I need to write that down....teach - mindless - cheer leader - type - girls - a - lesson. Good, now I'll remember. It sure beats the hell out of marrying them.


    A split fraction of a second before I pushed the button the second time to activate the alarm I thought to myself....What would Gumby do? I hesitated for another fraction of a second and pushed it again anyway.

    You people are mean.


  • myself
    That's just plain stupid. 40 or 50 times should be sufficient.

    Too cheap to spring for new batteries for the remote? I guess that is what a few divorces can do to ya.

  • seven006

    ***Too cheap to spring for new batteries for the remote?***

    Iv been called a lot of things before, but never cheap. Every time I go to buy batteries, the stores all always out because women are constantly buying them up for some mysterious unforeseen reason. Why do you think the Energizer Bunny is pink?

    ***I guess that is what a few divorces can do to ya.***

    That's not even touching the surface. She would have gotten my balls in the last one if she hadn't been squeezing them so tight.

    And people wonder why I won't date anymore.


  • myself
    Why do you think the Energizer Bunny is pink?

    Because he keeps going, and going and going?

  • seven006

    ***Because he keeps going, and going and going?***

    You women always get things backwards. You are all just an advertising psychologists play thing.


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