How do you handle a Volitile Ex??

by Seeking Knowledge 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    My an idiot. I have had problems with him from the get go when it comes to custody of our son. We have gone to court and established some ground rules, which he consistantly bends & twists to suit him. Last nite he informed me that he wasn't going to take our son back to daycare (as written) because he decided that since he's been sniffling (due to cold) he's got allergies and took him to an accupuncturist/accupressure "doctor" who determined these said allergies and said it's best to keep him away from cats for 24 hours. Not only that, he went ahead and had the acupuncturist/accupressure "doctor" manipulate our sons spine & give him a massage (he's 4). Tried to tell me that it was ok to do that, and that he has his other son's back done as well. The baby is 2 1/2 months old. I'm not sure of the ramificiations of "manipulating" a child that young's back.

    Needless to say my head came off my shoulders for various reasons....most of all because he didn't see fit to tell me any of this until I called him and because he doesn't feel it's "any of my business" to call me & discuss what he does with our son. He does not have an open line of communication with me and when I try he tells me that it's none of my business. I spent the best part of our converstion trying to explain to him why it IS in fact my business and that he needs to include me and work WITH me. He doesn't see that as an issue. He and his wife like to pretend I don't exist when they have my son. What I say doesn't matter I'm a nobody.

    Am I wrong to feel a little upset?? My problem with my ex is he's very passive aggressive and I'm very passionate when it comes to my kid and so I totally react to him, including tears. He never talks to me about our son (until I bring up problems then it's all out war) he tells me that major life changes in our sons life that involve him (marriage/baby) doesn't mean he has to tell me. I must preface that our son has been acting out BIG TIME since the baby was born and I told him (the ex) that it would have been nice to have a heads up so I would know why. He also says that our son NEVER does anything bad when he's with his dad. I can tell you that when it comes time for him to visit his dad, he freaks out. His dad sees that as me being too soft on him and doesn't allow our son to have "feelings" if you will...tells him to knock it off and then continues to tell him he's a baby and we "don't teach you to be like this" and how he "has to set an example" to the baby. Again, my son is 4. He sees the lips moving but all he hears is "blah blah blah". He just knows that he doesn't want to go and dad doesn't care. When I get him back from a visit with his dad he's full of anger and he has taken to screaming & hitting when he has to do something he doesn't want to do.

    My ex takes everything to a personal level whenever I try to talk to him. He's wonderful at telling me that I've done this or I've done that and the discussion always veers off the subject (our son). I'm at my wits end and am currently waiting for my attorney to call. In the do you handle such a person? I end up losing my mind he makes me crazy! Not taking him back to daycare because "I made this decision and that's the way it is" is pretty much going to get him in more trouble than he realizes, but how do I handle him in the meantime?? It's not so easy to "just ignore" him.

    I want to pop his head off his shoulders but since murder is still a felony I need help!! I have to face him tonite and have pretty much bitten off my tounge in the past. How the hell do I deal with this until I get to court?? Let him get away with it?? Go with the flow?? Any suggestions??

    SK.....thanks for letting me rant.....

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Sorry I can't be of much help.

    Tough situation you're in.


  • rekless

    In the USA you can get a restraining order emposed by the justice system any domestic violence organization will help you with your situation through education and advacacy.

  • candidlynuts

    in your custody agreement it should be clear which parent retains the medical rights to the child.

    if it isnt clear.. go back to court.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    All our custody agreement says is that no medical treatment will be withheld except blood, but if a doctor says he needs it I get final say on it. It also says that in the event of an emergency, he is to call me immediately. I want to change that in light of these recent events yes.

    I'm not sure I can get a restraining order against him, but after my lawyer gets back to me, I'm calling mediation. That's in our agreement as well. My attorney says she feels that he will fail either to show up or even work with mediation and the next step is court. The judge already feels he's an idiot...he's just clarifying that for all to see, but we have to do it legally!

    thanks for the advice!!


  • Purza

    Bottom line -- they can't be handled.

    I am marrying a man that has a young daughter. His ex wife has primary custody and she does whatever the hell she pleases -- whenever she wants. Example: she knew a month ago about a dentist appointment for the daughter. Then we get an email telling us to pay one half of the visit -- that wasn't covered by the dental plan. Do you think she could have given us some warning? Hell no -- she is spiteful. She absolutely hates her ex and she will even treat her daughter poorly to get back at him.

    There is no reasoning with her. And the courts don't give a damn either (at least the one we deal with here in California). We would have to have some hard evidence of her mistreating the child -- and even then there are no guarantees.

    What does my fiancee do? He just spends quality time with his daughter when he has her and tries very hard to turn off those other feelings of helplessness. He has no control and there is nothing he can do. Very sad.

    Sorry I can't give you any better advice -- but I do understand what you are going through.


  • pennycandy

    Maybe a great thing for you guys would be a divorced parenting class. Some states require them before finalizing a divorce. A good class stresses the importance of working together (without pointing fingers). It will show him that a child's parents fighting will change a child on the inside, forever, and give guidelines for maintaining good communication.

    Maybe if you put it to him as something that can help all of you including yourself and his new wife, it won't look like you're suggesting he's wrong and needs talking to.

    I feel for you, girl. Good luck.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge
    Bottom line -- they can't be handled

    I'm realizing this now....its just so very frustrating. I try to make it right by our son, always allowing more time with his dad when he (my ex) asks and always making sure that he knows his dad loves him & wants to spend time with him. For all the effort I give, I get squat from my ex. I don't want to be the enemy...but they are going out of their way to make sure they keep me in that position.

    Ex's...can't live with them....can't shoot them.


  • jgnat

    The kind of tug-of-war you describe is pretty common between battling parents. The anger and acting-out that your four-year-old displays is also pretty common. Children want stability. Children often grieve by misbehaving. Your boy may be saying he doesn't want to go, but I am betting it is mostly because he protests all the shuttling back and forth. He needs his dad. He wants you both. He hates the divorce, too. You and your ex are going to have to find common ground for the sake of your children.

    I always thought this publication looked really good. Let me know what you think:

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    very simple.....CALL YOUR LAWYER.....

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