Hi everybody I'm new

by LongHairGal 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Welcome LHG! Funny, one of the issues that drove me from the wolf pack was the way women in general were subjugated and I ain't even one!

    Just curious, what's your take on red highheeled shoes? They were verboten when I was a youngen, in the late 50's.


  • Goldminer

    Nice to read your comments,I'm sure a lot of people here can relate to your experiences.As well,a lot of us feel somewhat bitter just like you.Hope you stick around and keep sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.


  • Pleasuredome

    welcome to the board LHG.

  • Thinking

    Hopefully all your daily chores won't become as neglected as mine have over the last couple of weeks.............
    I am going to have to make myself clean soon.

    OH, you struck a nerve on the single sister thing. I have watched brothers sit around and whine and not work..and be MS. I work and run my household, take care of the car, yard, all of it. Meetings, service..ohhhhhhhh.

    After bookstudy one evening, I was sitting by the reader, The conductor came over and said hi to me, then to the reader said "Have a rough day at work?, it's always hard to come back to work after weekend assembly?" I guess its only hard for brothers and not sisters!!!! They totally discount what sisters go through. I got some words for them that I can't type here.

    Nice to meet you btw.....ha!

  • adelmaal
    I was never a good witness and was always on the fringes because I work full time and because of being outspoken

    I too found that not to be a good combination when one is a Jehovah's Witness. You needed to add the fact that you are an outspoken woman who works full time to really sum it up Join the club! It's so liberating to be free to be who you are.

    Welcome to the world... We are glad to have you here. I love this board and I have only started posting recently. Good peoples here.

  • exjwshell

    Welcome LongHairGal! Glad you are here!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Hellooooo, welcome to JWD!

    I hope you have a fantabulous time

  • LongHairGal

    Thank you for all your comments and for letting me vent as I have had all this pent up. After all, as a JW you can't go around telling people how you really feel as what you say can and will be used against you. Let me state, first of all, that if I knew the real history of Jehovah's Witnesses I would never have become one. This was hidden from me as it was from everyone else. I was shocked to learn their long list of failed prophecies and discarded beliefs. This really bothered me because many good people sacrificed too much. They cannot get back the precious years wasted. I also cannot reconcile this matter with a just god. How could he let this happen? Are we so worthless to him that he doesn't care if our lives are wasted down a wrong road? Even though it wasn't all bad (I did get rid of some bad habits) and I learned self-discipline - does that justify the bad? Someone told me I should look at it as though I were in a bad marriage and just move on. I am trying to do that. As I mentioned earlier, I am not out and I do keep my feelings to myself and I do not hate the Witnesses as I am still friends with some of them. LHG

  • Es

    welcome LHG

    luv es

  • Honesty
    What especially bothers me is that there are no programs to help the poor. You may not realize it but the plight of certain single sisters who are middle aged or older is rather bad.

    It is hard to understand, LHG.

    When it finally hits you that the WTBTS and the evil bastards on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are not who they appear to be nor are they worshipping the God of the bible then the 'light gets brighter'.

    They are so busy keeping people separated from the real Jesus that they can't be concerned about christian love. They simply do not have it and never will. When I discovered most of their lies and deceptions the first thing I did was investigate the churches of christendom christianity and saw more christian love shown by these so called pagans and heathens. Then I knew the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are tools of Satan. They don't care how they do it as long as they're sucessful in keeping their followers away from Christ. Look at all the sucessful outreach programs in the Protestant denominations and they give all the credit for them to Jesus. The JW's are declining in real numbers everywhere the internet is readily available while the churches of christendom christianity can't keep up with the increase they are experiencing which is mostly due to the unconditional love shown towards their neighbors. And what really infuriates the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is that many ex-JW's are finding Christ and real christian love after they exit the evil Witch Tower Babble and Trick Society.

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