To what extent did you let others know that you were a JW?

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    Nancy made up Merry Winter Day!!!!! That was our Christmas!

    Awww...Brooke! I loved Merry Winter Day!

    And remember there were even some non-JW's who would pretend to be JW's so we could go to the office instead of the boring pep rallies!!!

  • schne_belly

    Ya - i've told co-workers. But i've also included them in my journey out. I can't wait to hear what happens when anyone of my co-workers gets a knock on the door. The JW on the other side will get an ear full!!

  • Thinking

    I never tell anyone. I did work with a young gung-ho sister that of course let it be known that she was and I was too. She was very black and white and i was grey. She witnesses constantly. Everyone liked her, but she was not there for the long haul. A few months. She only dated one person and that is who she married, so they did not really think her advice on dating was applicable. When you work with someone day in and day they dont really care what your beliefs are, just get your work done. I was forever glad she quit.

  • hamsterbait

    The scripture in Mark refers to Jesus, not Jehovah. I had no problem saying I accepted the teachings of Christ.

    But, no I didn't ram the JW thing down anyones throat.

    A pioneer in our congo once approached a woman on street work.

    The woman asked "Are you a Christian?" Sister Superpio answered:

    "No, I'm a Jehovah's Witness." (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    "OH, they are HORRIBLE people," the woman said, stomping away.

    Sis Pio was actually proud of her performance...


  • Honesty

    I told them but only my non-JW family believed it.

    Now I tell everyone about the Christ and try not to mention the demonic JW cult.

  • larc

    When I was in High School, everyone knew that I was a Jehovah's Witness. I left in my mid 20's. I would try to explain the experience to people. That conversation would last all of 5 minutes. People were really not that interested.

  • kwintestal

    Once I was in high-school, never. I even stood for the anthem, not that I sang but I certainly wasn't going to stand in the hall or sit there with everyone staring at me. Screw that.


  • mtbatoon

    Tried to hide it a every opportunity when I was growing up but at school that was impossible when I had to stand outside the hall for assemblies and did extra sports instead of RE. I went to a different school for 6th form and there I started to blend myself in, attending morning assembly. Around then I quit the dubs and school and never mentioned it again. At collage there was a kid in the same class as me who was a JW. Two years and I never mentioned once my upbringing to him. Now I'll happily tell people like when I'm asked if I'm going to my folks for xmas.

  • Mamacat

    By high school, I was no longer telling anyone that I was. A few from elementary school remembered, and if it came up, I just would say "Oh, my mom is, and she makes me go with her."

    Now I rarely tell anyone that I ever was or that my mom is. When religion comes up, I try to stay out of the conversation. Years of being ostracized in school makes me scared to talk about it.

    Weird experience....last year, I was looking for a part-time babysitter, and I called a few registered sitters in my area. One called me back, and we went to meet her. I immediately thought she looked familiar, and then when I saw her 6-year-old daughter, I was sure who she was! I had went to elementary school with her and hadn't seen her in almost 20 years! She remembered me too, and you know what she remembered about me? That I had been a JW. The label doesn't seem to ever go away.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    We shared a house with a long time JW for more than 10 years and none of our neighbours knew she was a JW.
    Not the right territory I guess.


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