An Anti-Aging Pill ( Maybe)

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BettyHumpter

    "I have high hopes regarding it. Months earlier I began taking other supplements with the hope of ......reversing my ageing."

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    BettyHumpter there is recent scientific evidence that it is possible to slow biological ageing and to even reverse biological ageing. See the articles located at the following.

    - ("Discovery of potent telomerase activators: Unfolding new therapeutic and anti-aging perspectives - PMC")


    - ("10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon")

    - ("11 Proven Health Benefits of Garlic: Current research shows that garlic may have some real health benefits, such as protection against the common cold and the ability to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels")

    - ("10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting")

    - ("Anti-ageing technique makes skin cells act 30 years younger: Skin cells have been exposed to molecules that reverse their development but still retain their function, creating a kind of stem cell that keeps its original function in the body"

    - ("Skin cells made 30 years younger with new 'rejuvenation' technique: ... Never before have cells been de-aged by so many years and still retained their specific type and function.")

    - ("Walk this number of steps each day to cut your risk of dementia")

    - Gray hair cure? Scientists find root cause of discoloration

    - Why Hair Turns Gray Is No Longer A Gray Area: Our Hair Bleaches Itself As We Grow Older -- ScienceDaily

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Hey folks, I've been continuing the discussion about how to slow and even reverse ageing in my topic located at since that topic is about science and naturalism.

  • smiddy3

    "It`s weired when you realise your the same age as old people" ,

    I`m going to have to spend a bit more time analyzing all of the information presented here and see what I can do to put off the inevitable for as long as i can .

  • punkofnice

    I can't imagine our politicians or elites really want us to live longer.

    They seem to have a pre-disposition against anything positive.

  • TonusOH

    Well, if cinnamon is that good for my health, I'll just grab a quick spoonful of it. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    TonusOH, beware of eating dry directly from a spoon - see below.

    I take cinnamon daily (I started doing that about a year ago). Sometimes I do so as one teaspoon full mixed in my food, other times as a supplement in a capsule (readily available in the vitamin section of grocery stores). I have a bottle of the capsules of the Cassia kind and a bottle of capsules of the Ceylon kind. I also buy the regular kind of cinnamon (as dry powder) in the bulk foods section of the WiinCo Foods grocery store.

    From what I read, a teaspoon full of the regular kind cinnamon a day might be too much for many people (see below). An easy way to take it is when mixed in food or when taken in a capsule, but if you eat more than that It probably should not be the typical kind (namely Cassia) found in the food sections of supermarket grocery stores. Ceylon cinnamon is said to be much safer than the regular kind (but some articles say the Ceylon kind might have less health benefits). says the following. "Toxicity. Eating lots of cassia cinnamon could be toxic, especially if you have liver problems. Coumarin, an ingredient in some cinnamon products, can cause liver problems, but the amount you’d get is so small that it probably won’t be a problem. Given the lack of evidence about its safety, children, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding should avoid cinnamon as a treatment. ... Interactions. If you take any medication regularly, talk to your doctor before you start using cinnamon supplements. They could affect the way antibiotics, diabetes drugs, blood thinners, heart medicines, and others work." says the following.

    "Cassia (or regular) cinnamon is a rich source of coumarin.

    The coumarin content of ground Cassia cinnamon may range from 7 to 18 milligrams per teaspoon (2.6 grams), while Ceylon cinnamon only contains trace amounts of coumarin (6).

    The tolerable daily intake of coumarin is approximately 0.05 mg/pound (0.1 mg/kg) of body weight, or 5 mg per day for a 130-pound (59-kg) person. This means that just 1 teaspoon of Cassia cinnamon could put you over the daily limit (3).

    Unfortunately, several studies have found that eating too much coumarin may cause liver toxicity and damage (4, 5)."

    I tried eating one teaspoon full of powdered cinnamon straight from a teaspoon. That was a very bad idea because it was literally hard to swallow (got stuck in my throat) and greatly hindered breathing - until I gulped water in order to get it down. Mixing in a glass of water and drinking the mixture worked better. But mixing it in some moist food (or adding it batter to make pancakes), including mixing some food oil (such as olive oil or melted butter) with it worked much better.

    The article about the side effects also says the following.

    "Risks of Eating Dry Cinnamon

    Since the “cinnamon challenge” has become wildly popular, many have attempted to eat large amounts of dry cinnamon.

    This challenge involves eating a tablespoon of dry, ground cinnamon in under a minute without drinking water (22).

    While it may sound harmless, the challenge can be very dangerous.

    Eating dry cinnamon can irritate your throat and lungs, as well as make you gag or choke. It can also permanently damage your lungs.

    This is because the lungs cannot break down the fibers in the spice. It may accumulate in the lungs and cause lung inflammation known as aspiration pneumonia (23, 24).

    If aspiration pneumonia is left untreated, the lungs may become permanently scarred and possibly collapse (24)."

  • Disillusioned JW
  • BluesBrother

    Who wants to live longer ? When my time is up and the grim reaper comes calling, I am happy to go.

  • TonusOH

    Hi DJW, I was making a joke about the spoonful of cinnamon. A couple of years ago it became a viral challenge on video sites, with people trying to swallow a spoonful and regretting it quickly.

    So yeah, a warning to anyone who thought my comment above was serious: Trying to ingest a spoonful of cinnamon is a very VERY bad idea. Cinnamon is both caustic and hydrophobic, which means you will experience a very sudden and extremely unpleasant sensation in your mouth. It is also ground to a fine powder, and this can be inhaled, which is also a very bad thing to happen. Since it is mostly cellulose, the particles can enter the lungs and cause irritation and damage, and they are almost impossible to get out of the lungs once they get in.

    It's just a reminder that many of the things that are good for us can also be bad for us, if we don't keep doses and usage suggestions in mind. We ingest a lot of chemicals every day, and by and large those chemicals keep up alive and healthy and functioning. But it's a fine balance and I always approach new diet/health info with some skepticism.

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