I made a mistake

by under74 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • adelmaal

    under74: I'm with you! The guys here at work think it's entertaining to watch the beheading videos of those poor people who have been killed by terrorists. I guess there's a website dedicated to making those videos available. I was listening to talk radio one day and they played the sound clip of the first beheading right after it had happened and I was so sickened by it. I was not prepared for it and I was taken completely off guard. I had a good cry and I felt so bad having listened to it. I thought about my own child or husband going through such a horrific death and others gaining some sort of sick entertainment from watching or listening to it and I was truly hurt by the whole experience. I think it's awful!!!

    Also, I have witnessed violence in real life. I have seen my neighbor take a flying leap head first off the 2nd floor onto the concrete below (in front of his entire family) and I have seen a dead man on the freeway in more than one piece. I have also seen one man bash another man's head into the bleachers multiple times over a softball game. It still pisses me off that people get a thrill from watching these types of things happen for pure entertainment and curiosity.

  • FMZ

    Please don't confuse this media being aired for the sake of documentation and showing what is happening in the world, with playing it for shock value and / or entertainment.

    As sad as it is that these things happen, sometimes it doesn't hit home what actually happened until we have some kind of personal experience of it, whether it be hearing the screams or watching the people fall from the WTC.

    For instance, if we just heard on the news that someone was beheaded, it would no doubt not hit home with many people. It is a horrible event, but people need to realize the extent of what this guy went through, and what we are fighting for in the world.

    Hmm... let the flaming begin.


  • adelmaal

    FMZ: I see your point that to get the full reality of something some people may feel they need to witness it. At the same time I do not and did not need to witness a beheading sound clip to know what we are fighting for. I believe in freedom from oppression and I support the war effort. My convictions did not change as a result of hearing that sound clip. All it accomplished for me was to make me sad that that man was tortured so brutally. I was already sickened by hearing about it in the first place. I believe to be informed is one thing but to seek out violence is another. I do not believe any of the guys here at work were watching these videos to see what we are fighting for. They were getting a thrill from it and making jokes about it. In my opinion that is completely disrespectful of life and the value it holds. Not to mention it made for and uncomfortable work environment for me.

    HOW IN THE HELL DID I END UP POSTED SO MANY TIMES!!! I so did not do that intentionally...

  • FMZ

    Adelmaal.. it happens sometimes.. ;)

    I agree.. those that watch it for thrills are sick and have a problem.


  • Sunnygal41
    This sort of thing in the name of entertainment just makes me vomit, how can people get off on that?

    Me, too, but, hon, it's just as disgusting as people who indulge in "Golden Showers", etc..........the wierd thing is there ARE people who do get off on what we perceive as "sick, or twisted". And, I, too, have never heard of the "Faces of Death". I watched a TV program one time and have had people mention that there are "connections" to this type of "entertainment" for those who want it..........it makes me shudder...........

  • lisaBObeesa

    I work at a high school and I have busted students viewing such disgusting clips on the computers. I find it very disturbing that these young men spend their time watching these things, laughing like crazy at people being murdered, or people killing themselves.

    Now that we have the internet, we have got to talk with our kids about so many more things. They ARE going to see these things.

    Talk to your kids.

  • Spook

    I think it is educational to know that this is a potential way of being for humans. It is important to have a powerful connection to reality. Without that, powerful change can never occur.

  • under74

    Hey thanks for all your thoughts on the matter.

    I'm not as worked up about it as I was yesterday. But have issues with this kind of thing as entertainment...but I see the point that it's not ALWAYS a matter of just entertainment...I can tell you that last year I was working on a paper about Jonestown and ended up listening to some of the tapes that were recorded there including the "Death Tape." It was for research but I can't say there wasn't some curiosity about it on my part. I was warned but still wasn't prepared completely for what I heard.

    I brought up earlier that there was a line but I didn't quite know where the line was and I guess I bring up the Jonestown tapes as an example of that. It's more of an inner-self kind of line. If that makes any sense...?

    PRESTON- Thank you for that!

  • freedom96

    It is weird how we can all see death on tv or movies, but as soon as we know it is real, oh my, it is so different.

    I watched the beheading a few months ago that was all over the news and internet. I wish I didn't.

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