Sexual Morality in OT & NT

by AlanF 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlanF

    To you, WW, truth is moot.


  • Bendrr

    Thank you very much Alan for the hard work you put into that post. I wish I had a printer, because it would definitely be in hard copy.
    I never looked at the Mosaic law that way before, as treating women as property. I've always just ingested the WT teaching on whatever verse of the OT I was fed, like the story of Onan being a lesson against masturbation.
    I hope you post more.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • Tina

    Well done! and thank you. Another keeper.

    The Hebrew culture was such a patriarchal hierarchy. And yes,women were nothing but property.
    Loss of virginity and acts of adultery were interpreted in the light of merchandise no longer having its former value. Economics pure and simple.

    Instant divorce was available to the man,but not the woman.Deut24
    An Israelite in financial straits was free to sell his daughters,but it was unthinkable to sell sons that way-Exodus 21,7-11.
    A man could violate a female slave and be forgiven,Lev 19,20-22.
    As you showed,females were 'bought' and had no say in the marriage arrangement.
    All these customs reinforced the lowly status of women. The New testament goes on to further reinforce this.

    As Elizabeth cady Stanton said:'The Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation".
    Again thanks for tying up all that data so succinctly.Luv,Tina

  • LDH

    Rex says:

    Are you also aware of the various prophibitions in the New Testament, which are our ultimate guideline for today's moral behavior?

    No, ass-munch. Why don't you fill us in on those 'various prohibitions.'

    Jesus re-defined the new moral code as 1. Love our Father, God with our whole heart sould and mind and 2. Love our neighbor as ourself. Please share other instances where JESUS CHRIST gave any other prohibition for our moral behavior.

    Alan, This was great I inted to print it off so I can read it more thoroughly and do some research. Thanks for spending the time.


  • jayhawk1

    Thanks Alan F. I enjoyed your essays in geocities. I copied this so I can give it to a friend. She will love it, because she was making the point to somebody else about how the Bible treats women like property. Now she can have the facts in her hands.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Thanks Alan. That was a great post. I'm sure a lot of hours went into it. Your post got me to thinking about other instances in the bible where the morality of God changed over time. I'd love to read future posts dealing with this issue.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Your the same dimbulb dub who thinks she told her 'born again' friends the 'what for' using her WTS trained Bible knowledge (that is a real good one). I nailed you to the wall on that one, didn't I sweetie?
    Did ya read my little essay directed at your goofy claims about 'two commands' only? Do you know what the 'Great Commision is'? Have you ever read John 15, Luke 9.23 or Matthew 28, 18-20 in anything besides the NWT?

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