If we colonise Mars will that negate Paradise Earth?

by Qcmbr 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    When I quoted from the World Security book as proof that the WBTS suggests that humanity may spread throughout the galaxy I was told the words on the page did not mean what they said. When I asked the Elder I was arguing with what they did mean, he said that he did not need to be taught by me and that my argument had driven his wife to tears.

  • mkr32208
    they thought we'd be living on the moon and using flying cars. BOTH are possible, but no one wants to pay for it as it is usually unfeasible.

    Well as to living on the moon what the heck would the point be? Gonna farm moon rocks with your three beautiful robot daughters? Jus keep yer hands of the crushinater!

    As to flying cars there are cheap wonderful prototypes that have been built the problem is the FAA won't allow them to be released! They are right to not allow it too can you imagine flying traffic jams? "Car's" falling out of the sky after fender benders! Drunks in flying missles crashing through your roof at 3 am! You design a working traffic system and we'll have flying cars within 5 years!

    Don't you hate it when you wake up in the middle of the night and have to piss and you stand in front of the commode, look down upon it, and begin pissing and it does one of those split fire actions?? Either that or maybe it goes completely sideways and hits the tub or your foot...
    Even better when it breaks into two streams and flows perfectly one on each side of the toilet, neither quite in the bowl... I love mopping at 3 am!
  • jeanniebeanz
    he said that he did not need to be taught by me and that my argument had driven his wife to tears.

    Unbelievable... Truth hurts, but not normally to this level...


  • gumby

    Evidently you sick bastards never read the thread about how were posta sit down when we pee. Only redneck, white trash hillbillies from hell stand while peein. As for the split stream thing......I always use a straw to clear out any debris before peein.


  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    These people were convinced that the Paradise Earth meant no technology beyond that of the old west. The Elder actualy yelled at me to shut up and was shaking visibly and told me it was dificult for him not to hit me.

  • Undecided


    You don't need a straw, just squeez it for a second and when released it will clean itself with the built up pressure.

    Ken P.

  • Jim_TX

    "To all eternity our earth will bear a distinction that no other planet throughout endless space will enjoy, though the earth may not be the only planet that will ever be inhabited. Uniquely, it will be where Jehovah has indisputably vindicated his universal sovereignty, establishing an eternal and universal legal precedent. It will be the only planet on which Jehovah of armies will have fought "the war of the great day of God the Almighty." It will be the only planet to which God sent his dearest Son to become a man and die in order to recover the planet?s inhabitants from sin and death. It will be the only planet from which Jehovah will have taken 144,000 of its inhabitants to be "heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ.""

    Okay. I haven't cracked a JW book in a coons' age... but this bit really bothers me. Talk about ill-logic (sick logic).

    First - they make the statement that admits that Earth may not be the only planet that is inhabited. Interesting. I had never heard them admit this before.

    Second - they talk about how great it is that the mighty lord Jeehover is able to do battle (actually... wasn't it supposed to be Jeezus?) and prove his almightyness...

    Okay... this stinks to high-heaven. If I were that Satan feller - I would be crying FOUL!!! - as I hadn't really messed up - or had the opportunity perhaps - to mess up the lives of the 'hoomans' on other planets. Using _that_ arguement, I could also say that I should _not_ be destroyed - especially since the mighty Jeehover had set things straight and all on Earth. So - I should not be destroyed - but just be banished to some other unpopulated area of the galaxy - or whatever.

    Third - they make the 'only planet where God had to take 144,000 from' statement... implying again that there are other inhabited planets - who... obviously, since THEY didn't get duped by Satan - are still perfect. I would think that THEY would be at an advantage... not the poor schlups of Earth.

    What kind of moron reasoned all of this out, anyway?


    Jim TX

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