JWD has given me....

by jgnat 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    It seems a long time ago so much has changed and happened to me in the last 11 months. Not just JWD. Janet was one of the first people who welcomed me and expressed empathy for me and all that I had been through. Is very kind and supportive.

    Blow Kiss for you Janet.

    The board has given me several real friends and new loved ones.I have adopted a few new "children" I am proud to have.It has led me to make acquantance with a Fellow Oklahoman. I would not of got to meet. I have great friends in California, A couple that have the complete opposite of my failed marriage, Chat room friends from several countries and states.friends I really care about and they help me along the way tremendously. My United Kingdom friends I look forward to meeting in person. I recieved phone calls & flowers when I had the wreck from very encouraging people. that sent me love and let me whine while I heal.

    So I've gained strength from knowledge, and understanding from folks that have had similar expieriences. Had some great laughs. Seen a few new places and made some 'real' friends I treasure.


  • prophecor

    JWD Has Returned My Life Back To Me. Period

  • Vivamus

    Congrats Janet

    As for your question, JWD helped me when I came out, it gave me the feeling of not being alone when I was in a mess after the borg. Later, it helped me when my mum joined, cuz she finally, finally! began to understand the things I had been saying to her (my mum is Country Woman for you all who didn't know).

    And it gave me the opportunity to meet some really dear people on the Apostafests I have attended and (some I) arranged. Although I post not all that often anymore, I check every day. This place acknoledges (sp) what I and many have gone through, and I am very happy it's here. So thank you Simon for that, and thank you all for being here.

    Plus, I can be as goofy as I like here


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • ozziepost

    G'day Viv!

    did you get our emails?

    Send your latest addy to [email protected] or the other one you know.

    Cheers, ozzie

  • Vivamus

    Hello Ozzie!

    Hope you and Mrs Ozzie are doing great, and pls give her my regards. I will send you a new addy, its a bit more reliable then the old one...


  • jgnat

    Hi, stillajwexelder. Respect! Yes! That is missing. It is hard for me to put a finger on it, as the elders always hide their zingers in mild-mannered presentation, but the lack of respect is there. Is it that there is an assumption that anything that comes out of my mouth is dead-wrong? Is it because I know they would never reciprocate with a visit at my church?


    , I look forward to the day I get to meet you and your entire family!

    Hi, Country_Woman, what a treasure, to see a child free from prison - bonds! Congrats right back to you.

    Thanks, talesin. It is still weird saying my real name, Janet. It is almost as if my alter-ego, JGNAT, gained a life all her own.

    Thanks, Poztate, Big Tex, JH, frenchbabyface, Joyzabel, Leolaia, Big Dog, Vivamus.


    , I know what you mean. The regulars who post here create a special ?flavour? for the board. I am happy that it is mostly a positive one for those who visit here. By the way, will you be eating my cookies by proxy? Let me know if they were yummy, OK?

    Happy Dad, high praise indeed, ?I feel safe talking to her.? Awwww, that made me tear up. Which reminds me. There is all kinds of activity on this board that happens behind the scenes, as trust is earned, e-mails are shared. Some get the opportunity to get extra help and support.

    ....and a wonderful analogy. I totally agree:

    it is like the coffee shop where I go each morning and chat with the locals about anything and everything and do not get chastised for having free thinking and my own ideas

    AK-Jeff, I think this is so true:

    It has moved my healing forward by years in just months... Giving is getting and that helps us all get on with life.

    Sassy, you are such an asset to the board as well, from the first day you posted. You have a wealth of experience in board dynamics.


    , ditto what you said:
    And it's given me a great place to bounce ideas around and figure out what I think about a lot of things that us ex-JWs think about.

    An ?intellectual? board is a rare thing on the ?net. We have a treasure here.


    , same for me. We will have to find a good excuse to spend a day shopping at WEM.

    Welcome, Z! Welcome, welcome, welcome!

    bem, what you did for Utopian Reformist was absolutely awesome. You transcended the board experience and helped in real life. I think you have the ministry of ?helps?, a most noble calling.

    prophecor, I understand completely. Which is why I love this board. Not too strong a word, I think, for what it does for people.
  • onacruse

    ((Janet)) It is indeed my privilege to have come to know you, even if only by long (way long LOL) distance.

    Not to get into one of those "who's the best poster on JWD" type of topics (after all, there have been and still are so many, who can count them?), but I will say this:

    For me, you're the kind of poster that makes JWD still live. Not afraid to challenge someone's position, able to defend your own position with facts, but also not afraid to step back and admit "I'd never thought of that" or "I've never experienced that," and, most especially, always done with personal dignity and a respectful demeanor.

    You have my sincerest respects.


  • jgnat

    Gee, thanks, Onacruse.

    but also not afraid to step back and admit "I'd never thought of that" or "I've never experienced that,"

    I mostly say "oops". That's a great, word, oops. Means I meant no harm, admits I was wrong, allows me a chance to try again. I only recently figured out that most of the world walks around afraid. Afraid that they will be found out. Afraid to admit they've made more than their share of "oops". There is another problem with admitting wrong. It means there are a whole bunch of other people you chewed out that need forgiving. Because you just admitted you are no better than they are.

    It takes a LITTLE BIT of bravery to be real. It takes a WHOLE LOT more work to try and hide the real person.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hello Janet,

    So strange to type it this way after so long being careful . This is another big step in your life. Congratulations on your courage and on 5000 posts. I KNOW you talk a lot (especially on the phone).

    It has been an honour and an experience getting to know you.


    concerned mama

  • onacruse
    It takes a LITTLE BIT of bravery to be real. It takes a WHOLE LOT more work to try and hide the real person.

    And that is exactly why I like you so much!

    (LOL @ 2x edit I don't know what the heck is going on with this computer!!)

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