JW infant dies after parents refuse red cells

by Lee Elder 35 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • lilybird

    That is a heart-wrenching story; JWS don't believe in abortion, but they would see their infant children die without a blood transfusion.How could they possibly believe a loving God would want this to happen? Maybe they could look at a jail sentence for manslaughter or something like that. It might make these fanatical JWS think twice.

  • M.J.

    I have a medical question (and I couldn't view the video). Could Polyheme or Hemopure saved the baby's life? If so, why weren't they used? If not, what limitations do these products have?

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    imagine the horrific nightmare those parents will awake to someday when they come to their senses and realize that they could have saved their childs life and did not.

    poor souls.....

  • jaredg

    am i the only one here who feels sorry for the parents? you guys know how entrinched they muct be in the WTS and that they made this choice based on a lie. i don't blame the parents...i feel very sorry for them. they must be going through hell right now. i blame the WTS!!! god will not forget the innocent blood that the WTS has spilled!

  • GetBusyLiving

    There is so much pressure from the HLC in those sorts of cases.. those F***ERS hang out at the hospitals to make sure the patient doesn't take blood!! The parents are BRAINWASHED and the WTBTS is bloodguilty AGAIN.

  • rebel8

    Strange there is no print article about this story. I've looked extensively for it. Nada. If anyone finds an article/link to a site where the article is, please post it ASAP. I'm circulating it to many people, but w/o a non-video link, its value is minimal. Does anyone know how the remaining twin is doing?

  • rebel8

    *bump again*

    I just emailed the tv station, telling them this story is an important human rights issue and suggesting a follow up story be done with the status of the other twin. If you're so inclined, it might help if you would email them, too.

    Not only am I very concerned about the other twin, I think stories like this are very important. Any negative publicity for the dubs can have a positive anti-witnessing effect.

    Please consider emailing them and requesting a follow up: http://cbs11tv.com/contactus/

  • whyamihere

    I too feel sorry for the parents and thier loss. Maybe with the red cells the baby could have lived. I feel for them becuse they did not have the balls and do what is right in thier minds but of stupid cult ideas!

    My son had surgery a month after his 1st Birthday. I knew it was minor but all the thoughts of "what if " came in to my head. Would I go against everything I was taught? I then looked at my Baby Jack and said if anything happens to him give him everything! I would have given him my own life to save his. Every blood cell organ you name it! That's a parent a "real parent"! I will not let anyone tell me what I can do and what I can't do with my kids! I knew after that day I would never think of going back!


  • hubert

    And how is this surviving baby going to feel when it is old enough and finds out that its twin was "sacrificed" to the W.T. God by his parents for no reason? That's going to be heartbreaking for it.


  • rebel8

    I was wondering about that, too.

    I think the key here is that, while parents "should" have the right to make medical decisions for their kids, our society expects them to make them based upon science and sincere desire for the well being of the child. Instead, they are making this decision to avoid consequences in their church (DFing) and by God (being put to death). I think that's why society has trouble with this scenario.

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