Do We Really Have Free Will?

by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I personally don't think so. The reason why I say this is because we don't know where our conscious thoughts come from. what I mean is,,that before a thought comes into our consciousness where was it and why did it come into the conscious? Have you ever tried watching your thoughts as they arise? Can you see these thoughts before they become conscious? What directs them to come into the conscious mind and get us to do things,, to act a certain way?

    I really believe what ever causes them to come up that's what directs us and not our conscious egoic selves.

  • Puternut

    Wow deep stuff, let me smoke a bowl with ya. And I'll catch up to what mean............ brb.


  • frankiespeakin


    I haven't smoked anything in about a week.

  • JamesThomas

    When we become still enough and the mind is totally quiescent, it can be seen that there is no "me", it was all just a mental fabrication.

    The entire universe came into being with no "will" of ours. Yet, the me, who doesn't really exist, things it contributes.


  • frankiespeakin


    I may not have been "enlightened" but I know that's true,, this thing we call "me" is just a mental construct a metaphor and ephemeral(?sp) That is very clear to me. But not profoundly so.

  • JamesThomas

    Just sit with and respect what your heart silently and already knows. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and it will deepen on it's own.

    Put up your sword.


  • Athanasius

    Yes, but sometimes it can be costly.

  • frankiespeakin


    It took me a while but I got the pun.

  • Golf

    Of course we have free will, but with boundary's. I can only assume you don't play golf, well if you did, you'd know what boundary's are and you would know what I'm talking about.

    You have the free will to choose whatever club and whatever strength to swing that club to reach your desired yardage. The golf swing is a matter of co-ordination, balance. If your swing is not in sinc, you pay the price, however, people have known to make hole-in-ones with an errant golf swing.

    Most golfers are not aware that golf' 'rules' are designed to 'save' you strokes not 'penalize' you. It would be in one's best interest to know the basic rules of golf as it will save strokes. Ignorance will cost you strokes!

    I'll let your imagination (free will) do the rest.


  • aniron

    You have to believe in Free WIll.

    You have no choice.

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